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My server is stoping!

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Hello community! I'm not an it expert, but i try to make things work, watching YouTube tutorials and reading community posts. In the last mouth i have some problems whit my Unraid servers. The problem started two months ago. I had a problem whit my pfSense router and after installing the OS, i couldn't access the Unraid GUI interface ( I think the problem was due to fact that the https login was certificate by LetsEncrypt and i had to renew the certificate. 

By mistake 🤣 I crashed the OS on the flash drive ( don't judge me it can happen to anyone). I had the backup , reinstall the OS on the flash drive and things started working again. But I thought, after watching the Spaceinvader  One tutorial about sleep plugin thought reducing power consumption during the night. After installing  and making the setting thing started going down the heal.

1. The computer started to go to deep sleep every morning around 5 , and I couldn't wake it up using WOL protocol.

2. Using hard reboot I could wake up

3. Uninstalled the sleep plugin but things didn't got better.

4. Reinstalled a fresh copy of the Unraid on the flash drive, but didn't change much... the server is working fine for a couple of hours and then nothing....is appearing offline on the LAN.

5. Trying to hard reset it is not starting...is like not rebooting.

6 When I plug an monitor to it is rebooting and starts working.

That is the way i reboot it now...

What can be the problem? How can I fix it?


PS: Before the pfSense problem, the server worked fine, same configuration, nothing changed on it....It was online for more then 125 day.


Server config: AMD Ryzen 3900 XT, 64 DDR4 3200 , Gigabyte Auros Elite x570

syslog.txt system.zip

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