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Docker "Advanced View" reflect --memory limit

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On the Docker tab, the "Advanced View" helpfully shows memory load as "currently used" / "system memory".  But if this is truly memory LOAD should it reflect usage of the "--memory" parameter?


For example, if I have a container using 8G of memory on a 32G server it shows as "8.00 GiB / 32.00 GiB" which suggests 25% usage, but if the container were run with a "--memory=10G" parameter then the container would actually be at 80% usage.


On a related note, it might be nice to include a total docker numbers - like the total CPU & memory used by ALL dockers.  ;-)

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4 hours ago, JonMikelV said:

On the Docker tab, the "Advanced View" helpfully shows memory load as "currently used" / "system memory".  But if this is truly memory LOAD should it reflect usage of the "--memory" parameter?

It does



You mentioning 25% and 80% usage suggests that you're confusing what the % that is listed reflects.  It is the total CPU usage that the container is utilizing subject to it's CPU constraints

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18 minutes ago, Squid said:

It does



You mentioning 25% and 80% usage suggests that you're confusing what the % that is listed reflects.  It is the total CPU usage that the container is utilizing subject to it's CPU constraints

Perhaps it could be made slightly clearer by adding ‘CPU’ after the % value?

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Hmm...  I'm sure I'm not confusing the CPU percentage shown above the line with the memory usage shown below it.  I guess trying to explain what I was thinking of just made my post more confusing, not less.  😞


I must be incorrectly using the --memory parameter from:

I've tried this test as EXTRA_PARAMETERS and standalone Variable values with & without double-dashes but still see max memory in the usage column:



Resulting in:



Sorry for turning this into a standard Docker question - am I able to move the discussion out of Feature Requests?

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Wow - your patience with idiots like me is incredible!  Turns out I've spent HOURS (days?) trying to find (or create) the "extra parameters" field in "Show more settings..." when I really just needed to toggle the "Basic View" / "Advanced View" switch in the upper right of the page.  D'Oh!


I wonder if I was confusing myself with the Docker overview page "Advanced View" (that shows the CPU & memory) thinking it was the the Docker *EDIT* page "Advanced View" that I needed.


Either way, all resolved - thanks!

Edited by JonMikelV
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