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Docker Status: Stopped Unraid 6.9.2, Docker Service Failed to Start, no image mounted at /var/lib/docker


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I'm wondering if someone could lend a hand.  I'm currently running Unraid 6.9.2, and the Docker Service has failed to start.  I was rebooting my server and got a power surge while the system was powering down.  When the server came back up the Raid had to be rebuilt.  Afterwards the some of the applications in the docker were not working correctly.  For example Plex wouldn't load all folders to the library.  After deleting Plex and trying to re-add it to the docker.  The docker just quit all together.  That was about a week ago.


I've read through a few of the forums, and I've attempted the move of the data on the cache to the raid by using the mover, then the stopping of the Docker via ENABLE DOCKER then deleting the docker.img, changing the Docker vDisk location.  After the move of the shares back to the cache and the DOCKER location change or change back to what the location was before the delete.  I still have not had any luck.  I have  even tried  getting into the terminal and trying to start services that way.  with /etc/rc.d/rc.docker start.  I receive the "no image mounted at /var/lib/docker when I try to start it via terminal.  I've attached screenshots and a diagnostic to this particular post for reference.   I'm not super savvy with this unraid build up so I might ask a few dumb questions.  


Thanks in advance




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