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SOLVED Section "SMB Shares" missing in Unraid


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In case some one finds this thread (and is as stupid/blind as I am/was)




to show options to connect to remote SMB/NFS shares (and add them as share in Unraid), this button in Unassigned Devices must be switched on ... as obvious as it reads ;)








I am missing this section 




in my Main... any idea where I have disabled it? :(






Edited by daNick73
Problem solved
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The section in your screenshot is part of the Unassigned Devices plugin.   You have no unassigned devices present at the moment according to the other screenshot.


if I have misunderstood your problem, have you checked that SMB is enabled under Settings->SMB and that User Shares are d able d under Settings->Global Dhare settings (both should be by default).

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  • daNick73 changed the title to SOLVED Section "SMB Shares" missing in Unraid

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