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System won't start after shutdown - need to press reset button on the server


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I can't seem to figure it out.


Approx 2.52am on OCT 31 we lost power and UPSMON initiated a shutdown


Oct 31 02:52:40 ARDC upsmon[5711]: Executing automatic power-fail shutdown


I woke up in the morning approx 9am and hit the power button to start the server and left the area assuming it will bootup

that did not happen so I came back and power to the server was on some lights were blinking on the drives however nothing on the monitor.


hit the "reset" button and it came up at 12:40PM (see the logs attached)


So I decided to go thru the logs but did not see anything odd ... figured I will test it, initiated shutdown from the GUI. it did shutdown , went to start it up - power button - turned it on but nothing happens (server powers on some lights blinking) . had to hit reset again for it to start properly


Ive sent clean shutdown wait time to like 460 seconds.


do you think it's something in bios ? or is it unraid related?


attached are the diagnostics and part of the syslog.


Thank you for your help syslogpart.txt



ardc-diagnostics-20211031-1302.zip syslogpart.txt

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I just replaced a server that did the same thing.  Although mine was ~10+ years old


Any reboot or powerdown and then a turn on would not show anything on the monitor at all unless after waiting a bit I hit the restart button.


Assuming yours is the same and nothing happens on the monitor at all then it's hardware related.  What is a different story and would take some time investigation on your part.  In my case, I just couldn't be bothered. as it was scheduled for replacement anyways

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From your description, if you have a spare the power supply (or access to one), I would be tempted to try replacing it.  (Many people consider power supplies to be a very simple device but today's PS's are so much more than that.  As you probably realize now that we are talking about it, that power button is not connected to the PS itself but instead is connected to the MB.  There is a signaling protocol that happens between the MB and PS.  There has to be otherwise how does the PS know. for example, if you want to shutdown or just reboot?  Of the two, it is the simpler to replace.

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