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OLD hardware for a new NAS?

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My father needs a NAS, but doesn't need much more than just a file server for backups and general file storage.  I have some OLD components laying around, a Core 2 Duo CPU E8500 @ 3.16GHz, 4gb of memory and an ASUS P5N-D mobo.  I am planning on populating it with 2 6tb drives (one for parity), and letting him have at it.  


Is this going to be enough for even just general file storage?  I've got it up and running on a test bench currently and its working, I just don't know if I'm going to be giving my father more of a headache than anything or if you all think it will be just fine.



This is the proc load I'm getting doing a large file transfer in at ~97MB/sec from my UnRaid box.


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As @JorgeB says - your CPU will be fine for basic file storage.  I started out with much less.  And my daughter's Unraid NAS runs perfectly fine on about the same processing power that you have there.   


Also, well done on testing for yourself with a test-bench set up.  It's the best way to learn how this stuff works.   

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