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(Solved) Failed Parity Drive (on 2 parity system)


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I made a terrible mistake, still unsure how I did it.


Dual Parity system previously 4TB drives, now 6TB, only 6TB in system are the parity drives

Did a swap for Parity 1 - Copy Successful, rebuild successful

Did a swap for Parity 2 - Copy Successful, rebuild currently running

Get alert that Parity 2 has raw read error (in the thousands) - Odd for a new drive... This is where I discover my terrible mistake, I've accidently placed a drive that had 3.5 years of spin time on it from my other Unraid box instead of the new 6TB.


At this point I have paused the rebuild of the previous Parity drive (now a disk in the array) because I don't think I should trust the Parity 2.


What's the best way to resolve this with the least risk to data? Everything important on the array is offsite backed up... but if I can avoid bringing it back (and losing the unimportant stuff) I would like that. 


Should I (and can I even) pull parity 2 and restart the data-rebuild of Disk 4 (the swapped disk) then once that is complete, add a new 6TB drive as parity 2 and have that start it's process?


Still unsure how this drive made it from my "destroy/recycle" pile back to the "on hand to swap if necessary" stack... I will be putting some failsafes in place to prevent that going forward. I cannot believe I did this... I am certainly kicking myself...

Edited by elbobo
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Thank you for your help! 


I have unassigned parity 2 and restarted the array, it is rebuilding Disk4 and I am optimistic that this will be successful. 


Once it is done (and I get a new 6TB in) I will readd my Parity2 removing the unassigned drive and marring/tagging/disposing of it so this never happens again. 

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  • elbobo changed the title to (Solved) Failed Parity Drive (on 2 parity system)

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