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System instability after replacing motherboard

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Hi All

What got me to this point


my motherboard m.2 ssd slots died, wasnt detecting ssd (sent back to manufacturer and confirmed dead)


so I ended up buying a new motherboard, installed, posted


would get an hour or two installing some docker containers, first was plex


I was able to add libraries ok, but after a while plex was freezing up while downloading metadata


then unraid would become unresponsive, Id click on reboot server, nothing happend, so I had to hard reboot


then happened a few times...I would delete my docker image and reformat my cache drives and same result


plex would freeze up and then unraid would become unstable


When my m/b died I was thinking maybe corrupted ssds

So I took them out and added a 2.5in ssd I had laying around as new cache drive

reinstalled appdata backup

get plex up and running (fresh docker image)

from time to time it becomes unresponsive and says it cant find my plex server (almost like network drops out)


Could my array hdds be corrupted?


I am currently running memtest86 via flash boot and have 21 errors 90% complete

could this cause system instability?


Im not sure what to check at this stage


Included are my diagnotic file, any help would be great........





I am currently running 6.9.2

asrock x399 threadripper m/b

2950x threadripper cpu


Edited by magicman32
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