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Can't rename pool back to "cache"

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Simple on here, I think:


I had a single SSD cache storing everything.

I installed two new NVME drives and moved my VMs and docker stuff to /mnt/nvme

At the same time, I installed two new SSDs, and moved all the other things from cache to the new SSDs in /mnt/cachealso

I now want to rename "cachealso" to "cache", but I get an error saying I can't use a share name, despite that fact that /mnt/cache does not existing on the server, or in any mapping anywhere.


Am I missing something?

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Do you have a share named "cache" or "Cache" or something?


Since you moved everything to a different named pool, odds are decent that you missed a docker somewhere that has a mapping to /mnt/cache/, in which case it winds up getting created.


What's the output of 

ls -ail /mnt


ls -ail /mnt/user


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Nope, no user shares named cache. I do have an unassigned drive that's mounted on /mnt/disks/cache. I've renamed that, waiting for a parity rebuild to finish before I can stop the array to try the change again. I'm not sure why a UD mount would interfere with this though; it has nothing to do with unRAID core disks.


Output of ls on /mnt and /mnt/user shows no cache directory.

FWIW I checked all the container mappings as well (twice, just now and when I originally moved stuff as I had to remap it from /mnt/cache to /mnt/nvme) and none are using cache. Everything is either on nvme or cachealso.

Edited by -Daedalus
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Just tried to name "cachealso" to "cache", after changing the unassigned device from "/mnt/disks/cache" to "/mnt/disks/temp". Same error.

This almost seems like unRAID is reserving "cache" as a thing that can't be used. Is it actually a generic pool, or are there references to it somewhere that prevent it being named?




Diags attached if helpful. Obviously it's not a critical issue, but it is weird.



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