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i3 550 - $117.99


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Yes, but I don't believe the Sandy Bridge CPUs have been tested with unRAID yet.  The Clarkdales are tried and true.


Ahh, gotcha. When ever I get around to upgrading my main PC it'll likely be an i3 Sandy Bridge, nd I'll test it for unRAID before I build it as a non-server.

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Yes, but I don't believe the Sandy Bridge CPUs have been tested with unRAID yet.  The Clarkdales are tried and true.


I've been using an i3 2100 Sandy Bridge with an MSi H61M-E33 mainboard with unRaid for a few weeks now.  This was the $99 i3/mainboard combo mentioned on this forum a few weeks back.  It's working perfectly.  Posts in other parts of the forum indicate the Sandy Bridge H67 mainboards work with unRaid 4.7, but H61s like mine require the 5.0 series for SATA controller support.


I had a pretty long thread in the general support section where we did some troubleshooting as I brought it online, if anyone's interested.


My Kill-a-watt is showing 42W with 4 drives spun up (3 2TB WD Greens, and 1 old 7200RPM Seagate), Sabnzbd downloading at full tilt, and streaming a blu ray to my TV.  It's crazy.

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