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Can't accesss my files on a unassigned device anymore.


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Hello Community

I run my unraid server for one year without any problems. But now it starts to make some...

1. I set up an Backup with Duplicati on an external usb Drive (unassigned Devices).

2. Since last week it doesen't work. Error=> folder doesn't exist (I probably caused this problem by restoring appdata. at least it occurred during this period. The recovery was an attempt to solve another problem (mariaDB/Nextcloud)...)

3. when I try to access the drive over Krusader it also show nothing.

4. I can see the folder, if I browse the Unassigned Devices direct. (see printscreen)

5. i can see the folder & files if i access the drive over my windows computer.


Do you need more information?


thank you very much for your help!


Bildschirmfoto 2021-12-12 um 10.01.11.png

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