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unRaid server migration w/license migration & upgrade

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Hi, Ok, I hope I explain this clearly and that someone can help me with some solutions.


I currently have an ancient unRaid server with a basic license (but it's still working after about a decade!).


I am building a NEW unRaid server and rather than migrate the old drives from the older server, I plan to copy the data from old server to new server via network. Slow, yes, but it will guarantee parity integrity throughout the process and I will be retiring the old server's drives after the process.


I currently have a Basic unRaid license on the old server, but will want to upgrade this to a Plus license on the new server.


Here's the Q: how can I accomplish this without purchasing an additional redundant license for the new server? If possible, I want to migrate the old license to the new server and upgrade it BUT - the rub is that for me to copy data over, I need both servers running unRaid (at least for a short while).


I thought of using a Trial license on the new server until everything copies over, but is it then possible to migrate (use) the old license on the new server when I'm ready? (replace the trial license on the new server with the basic license from the old server and then pay to upgrade it to Plus)


Ok, that was wordy, but I'm hoping to be as detailed and clear as possible.


Thanks for reading!!




Edited by only1miller
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36 minutes ago, trurl said:

Do you need a plus license initially for the number of connected disks on the new server? Or are you just planning for expansion?

Hi trurl,

Thanks for the reply! To answer your Q, plus license not needed initially - the plus license upgrade would be for down the road. Initially the new server will only have 3x8GB drives and 1 SSD for VMs.




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Hey trurl - I just re-read my original post and somehow I wrote that I would NOT be retiring the old drives from the old server that I'm replacing - when in fact I WILL be retiring those old drives. I edited the post but wanted to amend the convo here in case it was influencing your thoughts on the matter.



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If there won't be an old server when you are done then why don't you just build the new server with the original drives and the original flash. Then you can upgrade the disks by rebuilding and upgrade the license the normal way. And you get to keep all of your configuration from the old server and adjust it as needed.


I have replaced every component of my server at least once and every drive in my server at least three times and never started over with anything or transferred any of the data to new drives.

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I had considered that and it's not off the table. It obviously worked for you, so that's a plus. I have a few concerns tho- maybe you can tell me if I'm being overly cautious:

  1. physically moving drives etc opens up the chance of whoopsie damage (the servers are in different buildings) - but that's my issue
  2. Did you have any trouble with unRaid identifying any of the new hardware? my two systems are pretty divergent so I am concerned that simply moving the OS and drives won't just fire back up.
  3. I probably want to move unraid to a new flash drive (it's as old as the server) but I suppose i can copy it to a new flash drive before I migrate it. I'll have to get new keys though, right? Would you suggest moving to a new flash drive before or after it moves to the new server?
  4. the new server will have 8TB parity drives as opposed to 4TB parity on the old server.. so if I just move the drives and OS over I will then have to go through moving parity to new drives, and then clearing and removing the older drives that I no longer want, right? I could see that taking a lot of time and being a decent amount of work.

I guess I had figured that it was less work to move the data to the new server. Is it still your learned opinion that I should just move the drives and OS over to the new machine?


Again, thanks for your input and advice.. much appreciated!!

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22 minutes ago, only1miller said:

Did you have any trouble with unRaid identifying any of the new hardware? my two systems are pretty divergent so I am concerned that simply moving the OS and drives won't just fire back up.

As long as the disk controllers give the same drive serial number Unraid will recognize the disks. Unless RAID controllers are involved on either system (not recommended for that and other reasons) should just work. And you can always reassign the disks as long as you know the assignments.


If you have any VMs that use passthru then they would probably have to be worked out on the new hardware, which you would have to do eventually anyway.


22 minutes ago, only1miller said:

I probably want to move unraid to a new flash drive (it's as old as the server) but I suppose i can copy it to a new flash drive before I migrate it. I'll have to get new keys though, right? Would you suggest moving to a new flash drive before or after it moves to the new server?

You would have to do a license transfer to a new flash. You could take care of all that on the old or new server, including upgrading the license.


22 minutes ago, only1miller said:

the new server will have 8TB parity drives as opposed to 4TB parity on the old server.. so if I just move the drives and OS over I will then have to go through moving parity to new drives, and then clearing and removing the older drives that I no longer want, right? I could see that taking a lot of time and being a decent amount of work.

You could just start with the original data disks and that new parity. There isn't any such thing as "moving parity to new drives". You would just build parity for those original data drives onto the new 8TB drive.


Then, no need to remove older drives, just replace each, one at a time, with a new disk and rebuild.


And you don't really have to do any of that all at once. You could do it as needed or as convenient.

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This is some good info and thought, thank you! The serials should be readable. The new server has a raid card but configured in IT mode so it should make the drives directly accessible (assuming serial as well) but let me know if you have other info.


Otherwise I may just give the drive move-over a whirl. It's not super critical data so I can be a little adventurous with it.

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2 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

You should mention what version that is running on the old server.  There are upgrade practices that will smooth the the path from certain versions to the latest versions.  There are also a few gotchas along the way depending on the plugins and addons you are using. 

I'm running v6.9.2 which I believe is the latest version. I keep it updated. The plugins and such that I have are basic and I could re-install those without issue. And I don't have any VMs currently running - that's going on the new server, so no worries there. Really a basic upgrade except for the simultaneous hardware and license change.

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