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Windows 11 Situation

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Hello everyone,


I'm trying to understand the current situation for Windows 11 support on VM right now. When I try to install, it just says that my computer doesn't meet the requirement but doesn't say why. I allocated 8gb to 16gb of ram and 4core/8threads from my xeon w-2275.


I have version 6.9.2 of unraid. The thread I found was with someone on 6.8.x had the same problem and he had to rebuild the bios to a version with TPM support. It was said to be fixed in next version, which 6.9.2 should include? On other threads, some says to take test build from 6.10. I'm a bit lost.


So as of latest release build 6.9.2 today, what is the status? Would be great to have a pinned topic on that with the current situation and maybe in an upcoming version have "windows 11" in the OS selection under VM.

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