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also die have troubles getting docker Service enabled


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Looks like you are having problems with flash drive. Put in your PC and let it checkdisk. While there make a backup. Boot from USB2 port.


Also, while not the cause of your problems, the way you are configuring docker in Settings is not ideal.


Though not technically wrong, the "standard" path for docker.img is in the system share, and the "standard" path for appdata is in the appdata share. If you go against the standard, you will have to pay close attention since other things you try to do may expect those standards.


Regardless of which paths you use, ideally, docker.img and appdata should be on fast storage (cache) and configured to stay there. If these are on the array, then dockers won't perform as well due to slower parity array, and array disks can't spindown since these files are always open.


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Apreciated your tips.

reconfigured in the way you mentioned

grafik.thumb.png.a0893b7963e6fd6e925e63b13be96bf1.pngSorry to say,


Anyway still not running.

But look at this, I have seen in docker.txt file following network issues.


Maybe these info is helpfull also to identify the root cause





My issue is, I want to check DOCKER before going further with unRAID, cause I have to by new hardware. And a bit struggling about the invest, you know.


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