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how do you get MV(move) to work always mine isnt working anymore

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on my sisters unraid  i have a script that up dates hourly..  my sister backups her videos she makes and anything she downloads.. to a ssd  she has for me to swap..  so we swap once a week for her backups


it was working 

mv '/mnt/user/Transfer Files/*' '/mnt/disks/transport data'


but its not anymore.. theres files  in there  and it wont transfer...   

i get error 

root@mitchsserver:~# mv '/mnt/user/Transfer Files/*' '/mnt/disks/transport data'
mv: cannot stat '/mnt/user/Transfer Files/*': No such file or directory


but the "Transfer Files"   Folder does exist..   i tried googling   and they do   

mv -v ~/mnt....  but that ~  causes issues and -v  also cant tranfer all files


i was also getting this error

"mv: inter-device move failed"


so my "Transfer Files"  folder  is set  to my "Download Cache Drive" Only  so it keeps her array off...  i also use transmission with that drive incase she uses it.. and its set to Drive  and Read Write Slave


but now i get no files.. transfering..   how do you get it to transfer?    Krusader seems to always work but i perfer the script to run hourly    or once a day..  but i have files in there


and i can do 

cd '/mnt/user/Transfer Files/'  or  cd '/mnt/user/Transfer Files'

and it will go to the directory

and when i type   "ls"    to list files there are files  but the mv  sees nothing  


i tried deleting the "Transfer files"  folder in shares after i move the files out.. and then slaped some files in the folder.. and tried again and still gives me there is no files   in the Transfer Files  folder...  is there some other command  i need for Unraid?


as i googled  "mv move command"



root@mitchsserver:~# cd '/mnt/user/Transfer Files/'
root@mitchsserver:/mnt/user/Transfer Files# ls
root@mitchsserver:/mnt/user/Transfer Files# mv '/mnt/user/Transfer Files/*' '/mnt/disks/transport data'
mv: cannot stat '/mnt/user/Transfer Files/*': No such file or directory
root@mitchsserver:/mnt/user/Transfer Files# 


Edited by comet424
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You want to use 

"/mnt/user/Transfer Files"/* 


Personally, I file it a ton easier to use the autocomplete feature of bash (hit tab when typing without quoting anything as it'll automatically escape everything.  Doing that (or manually escaping) make it a more easier to understand path of

/mnt/user/Transfer\ Files/*


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ok thanks..   

ya i tried the no quotes


mv /mnt/user/Transfer Files


mv /mnt/user/Transfer Files/


that did nothing with Tab or ESC


but when i did 

mv "/mnt/user/Transfer Files" or mv "/mnt/user/Transfer Files/"   with "  or '    and double ESC single did nothing  or the tab did convert it and added the test.txt   on the end


learn something new everyday 🙂  i appreciate it..  it was working for longest time  what i had going on from a google search.. but recently for some reason its been broken alot


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