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[6.9.2] Repeated Disk read error

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I have recently migrated my server to a new system with HD hotswap sleds and SAS backplane and I have had one of my array disks throwing some read errors and going in Disabled state. I had recovered it already once by removing it, readding it to the array and running disk reconstruction but it happened now a second time in a short time span (and coincidentally never had any issues with this drive until I migrated everything) so I am starting to suspect there is something wrong from the HW side.


The SAS backplane is an LSI2208 but I have flashed the firmware to IT mode in order to get the drives to be read by system (followed the guide here and had no issues). All the other drives had no issues and this particular drive had no SMART errors as far as I can see. 


Is it just a connection problem and I should just try to reseat the drive (or maybe change the slot I am using) or is there something more serious behind it? Drives are all fairly new (almost 2 years old) so I am hoping its not already drive failure (diagnostics attached).


Thanks a lot in advance and let me know if you need any more info!



Edited by vernaz92
Added link to guide followed
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