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Created a new config, need help

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Been having issue where my logs keep filling up with an error: 


After searching I saw someone had the same issue and created new config. Which solved the issue, so I did the same this morning and selected for Preserve current assignments: ALL


I just want to be super careful and not mess anything up so can I just reassign all the disk in any order? Or does it have to be in the same order as it was previously? I have 3x 12TB and cant remember which was the parity disk. Does this matter?


Message next to parity says All existing data on this device will be OVERWRITTEN when array is Started


Assuming the parity just needs to rebuild? If someone can help re-assure me I have done this correctly that would be great, don't want to risk starting the array until then.





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5 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Very unlikely that a new config with help with that but just check "parity is already valid" before array start, nothing will be overwritten, assuming assignments are correct.

Got the server diagnostics from my other thread and found the disk order in there in /smart/ folder so went with that order just to be on the safe side and selected "parity is already valid"


Will keep eye on the logs to see if the error comes back but out of ideas why the VM is causing the logs to fill up. I have no other sessions opened elsewhere.

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