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Mover possible weird behavior

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First of all, I'm kind of new to unraid therefore please explain with a bit more detail the possible solutions :)
Version: 6.10.0-rc2 

The "issue" which I'm facing is that for example I've had files on the disk cache and then when they got moved to the array I've noticed this stats: 

Location                |       Before move  |  After move  |   Difference/Moved
Array free(Disk 1):   |         ~95GB        |      10GB       |      85GB
Cache free:            |           80GB        |     110GB       |      -30GB

*Docker and Vm`s were disabled before the move followed by a server reboot and then the Mover was invoked.

I'm can`t understand why the GB difference.

Edited by obi-WAN-kenobi
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3 hours ago, JonathanM said:

Does this help?



Mover has many jobs, it can put files ON the cache as well as take them off.

Im familiar with how mover works. I just though not to add to much text to the post in order to keep it simple and easy to understand :)
They are all set to Yes except the Appdata which only on cache.

What didn't make sense to me is that Mover moved 85GB from cache to array but the "moved" data didn't free up the Cache space.
Put in different words, 55GB got moved but in same time remained on cache. 

Edited by obi-WAN-kenobi
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