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Script Request

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Alrighty.  The move of data (in my case, quite a few .ISO's and .MKV's) to the unRAID array is well underway.  For the time being, I am simply moving them from a Win 7 machine to the root of the physical disks of the array.


What I have to do next, is something that a neat little script would help out with tremendously.  I have to create a folder (which in itself will later be moved into its respective "type" sub-directory, example: Ben 10 will ultimately be moved into /Movies/Children) for the movie files, at this time that's just the .ISO or .MKV though later will be populated with meta data.


I'd like to request a script that when run, an origin location/filename parameter is not needed as I would just use * (wildcard) as I would run it from the location where the files were, it will create a directory with the name of the filename less the .iso / .ISO or .mkv / .MKV


102 Dalmations [DVD] (2000).iso


would create a directory called:  102 Dalmations [DVD] (2000)    and then the respective file "102 Dalmations [DVD] (2000).iso" would be moved into that directory.


On a side note if anyone knows the link (does one exist?) which tells us how we can donate to unRAID, I'd appreciate that as well.


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On a side note if anyone knows the link (does one exist?) which tells us how we can donate to unRAID, I'd appreciate that as well.


I would have thought that was simple.  Just order some more keys from the main Limetech website.

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On a side note if anyone knows the link (does one exist?) which tells us how we can donate to unRAID, I'd appreciate that as well.


I would have thought that was simple.  Just order some more keys from the main Limetech website.


I meant strictly donations, not purchases.  I already purchased a two pack and with the second pro key going to a buddy of mine for his build and with a neighbor currently discussing things with his wife, I'm likely to pick up two more pro keys.


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Maybe this will work...


But be careful.  Try it in a test location first.  I have only used this on my Windows machines though.  Let me know if it works.


It's a .bat file that basically creates a directory of the filename and moves the file in that directory.


Appreciate that batch file very much.  Hoping that one of our linux guys will step in with a script to run on the unRAID side.  That or I'll be tinkering/reading after I get home from work and hopefully not erasing my data.  (therefore any help with a linux script is still greatly appreciated -- I don't trust myself just yet heh)


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On a side note if anyone knows the link (does one exist?) which tells us how we can donate to unRAID, I'd appreciate that as well.


I would have thought that was simple.  Just order some more keys from the main Limetech website.


I meant strictly donations, not purchases.  I already purchased a two pack and with the second pro key going to a buddy of mine for his build and with a neighbor currently discussing things with his wife, I'm likely to pick up two more pro keys.



Buying keys that you don't intend to use is very much like a donation. Keys cost Limetech nothing to generate. Of course, you will need USB drive IDs to get the keys. Buying USB flash drives too small to hold unRAID software ensures that your "donation key" never gets used. Although, you can double your donation dollar buy using flash drives that will hold the key and then give those drives and keys away as a second donation to someone else. I'm sure you can find a lot of suitable volunteers on this forum to take those gift drives with unRAID keys.  :)

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On a side note if anyone knows the link (does one exist?) which tells us how we can donate to unRAID, I'd appreciate that as well.


I would have thought that was simple.  Just order some more keys from the main Limetech website.


I meant strictly donations, not purchases.  I already purchased a two pack and with the second pro key going to a buddy of mine for his build and with a neighbor currently discussing things with his wife, I'm likely to pick up two more pro keys.


True, though I was thinking a bit less for donation purposes. ;)  "Those" type of "donations" to people likely wouldn't go over too well with the wife at this point, especially given the amount of hardware I've collected for this project... maybe after I get my server rack I'm eyeballing on CL, if I am allowed to get it. <grin>


However, I can say, such a script like that in which I am after (for Linux) would save me a great deal of time and time is money... I'm wanting the Linux version of it to learn from it as well - batch coding I'm familiar with from the ole IBM DOS and 8088 days.  Enough about that though, else I'll start going on and on about nostalgic days of that and BBSing, etc.


Please linux experts, help me out.  All the data is just about done transferring. ;)


Buying keys that you don't intend to use is very much like a donation. Keys cost Limetech nothing to generate. Of course, you will need USB drive IDs to get the keys. Buying USB flash drives too small to hold unRAID software ensures that your "donation key" never gets used. Although, you can double your donation dollar buy using flash drives that will hold the key and then give those drives and keys away as a second donation to someone else. I'm sure you can find a lot of suitable volunteers on this forum to take those gift drives with unRAID keys.  :)


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True, though I was thinking a bit less for donation purposes. ;)  "Those" type of "donations" to people likely wouldn't go over too well with the wife at this point, especially given the amount of hardware I've collected for this project...


Hey, I can solve the additional hardware problem .... you can have serial numbers from some of my usb sticks!  All I ask in return is for a copy of the key files!

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True, though I was thinking a bit less for donation purposes. ;)  "Those" type of "donations" to people likely wouldn't go over too well with the wife at this point, especially given the amount of hardware I've collected for this project...


Hey, I can solve the additional hardware problem .... you can have serial numbers from some of my usb sticks!  All I ask in return is for a copy of the key files!


+1 this.



I am also interested in said script.

Right now I have a bat file on my BluRay Ripping box that is scheduled to move all the files from my "drop box" on the ripping machine to my Media server.

I would be interested to see a script on the unRAID kicked by a cron job to do the same. It would need some sort of coding if if the ripping box is offline? also some sort of  log file or even an  email might be nice.


There should not be any open files in my case, but I assume that might be an issue for other people. I assume it would be similar to the cache drive mover script?

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Alrighty.  The move of data (in my case, quite a few .ISO's and .MKV's) to the unRAID array is well underway.  For the time being, I am simply moving them from a Win 7 machine to the root of the physical disks of the array.


What I have to do next, is something that a neat little script would help out with tremendously.  I have to create a folder (which in itself will later be moved into its respective "type" sub-directory, example: Ben 10 will ultimately be moved into /Movies/Children) for the movie files, at this time that's just the .ISO or .MKV though later will be populated with meta data.


I'd like to request a script that when run, an origin location/filename parameter is not needed as I would just use * (wildcard) as I would run it from the location where the files were, it will create a directory with the name of the filename less the .iso / .ISO or .mkv / .MKV


102 Dalmations [DVD] (2000).iso


would create a directory called:  102 Dalmations [DVD] (2000)    and then the respective file "102 Dalmations [DVD] (2000).iso" would be moved into that directory.

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Alrighty.  The move of data (in my case, quite a few .ISO's and .MKV's) to the unRAID array is well underway.  For the time being, I am simply moving them from a Win 7 machine to the root of the physical disks of the array.


What I have to do next, is something that a neat little script would help out with tremendously.  I have to create a folder (which in itself will later be moved into its respective "type" sub-directory, example: Ben 10 will ultimately be moved into /Movies/Children) for the movie files, at this time that's just the .ISO or .MKV though later will be populated with meta data.


I'd like to request a script that when run, an origin location/filename parameter is not needed as I would just use * (wildcard) as I would run it from the location where the files were, it will create a directory with the name of the filename less the .iso / .ISO or .mkv / .MKV


102 Dalmations [DVD] (2000).iso


would create a directory called:  102 Dalmations [DVD] (2000)     and then the respective file "102 Dalmations [DVD] (2000).iso" would be moved into that directory.

Try something like this:


cd /mnt/disk1/Movies


find . -name "*.ISO" -maxdepth 1 -print | while read a; do dname=`basename "$a" .ISO`; mkdir "/tmp/$dname"; mv "$a" "$dname/$a"; done


find . -name "*.iso" -maxdepth 1  -print | while read a; do dname=`basename "$a" .iso`; mkdir "/tmp/$dname"; mv "$a" "$dname/$a"; done


find . -name "*.MKV" -maxdepth 1  -print | while read a; do dname=`basename "$a" .MKV`; mkdir "/tmp/$dname"; mv "$a" "$dname/$a"; done


find . -name "*.mkv" -maxdepth 1 -print | while read a; do dname=`basename "$a" .mkv`; mkdir "/tmp/$dname"; mv "$a" "$dname/$a"; done


Note, there are two places on each command line where the file extension must match that of your files.  If you have .ISO, leave them as in the example.  If your files are .iso, change both places to lower case.


If you do these scommand from each "disk" share in turn, the moves will be nearly instant.  If you do it from the /mnt/user, it might not. (I did not try to see if it would be smart enough)


Joe L.

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