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I have an issue with my weekly parity check it starts and then pauses for hours

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Dear Support,

I do have an issue with my dellnas server with the parity check it basically starts when it is scheduled but after a while it actually pauses "indefinately" until i continue to run it manually - this way it never completes fully at the moment.

I will attach an actual diagnostic file for you to look at . Basically most other functions seem to run normal.

Can you please help me fix this issue ? Thank you in advance,

Best regards,

Harald Weiss


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The pause is being done  by the parity check tuning plugin because you have what looks like a cooling problem and you have set checks to be paused if disks get too hot.


Your syslog has messages like:

Mar 28 07:07:02 dellnas Parity Check Tuning: Paused Manual Correcting Parity Check  (0.4% completed): Following drives overheated: disk1(108C)


Mar 28 07:14:02 dellnas Parity Check Tuning: Following drives overheated: disk1(111C) disk3(109C) 

Do you have notifications enabled for such events as this would tell you this is happening without the need to look through the syslog.


I must admit I suspect that the temperatures should be displayed as Fahrenheit as I cannot believe the disks are really that hot in Centigrade - I will need to look into that.


EDIT:   I can confirm that the numeric value in the above messages is the Fahrenheit value.   A typo means that this happens even when told to display in Centigrade.    However this looks like it purely a display issue in the syslog message.


if you think that you should NOT be getting temperature related pause then a screenshot of the plugins Settings page would allow me to confirm that the values you have set are OK for temperature related pauses in case a bug has crept in somewhere in handling temperatures.


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I did check the settings and it would wait for an 83 degrees C difference to continue …. Which never will happen :) btw my disks are about 40 degrees C in operation I think something was messed up in the plug-in so I uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin and the settings page still states to wait for 83 degrees C difference …

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Ok - that screenshot shows there is a problem with displaying or saving the resume value.    Not quite sure why, but I would expect to track it down and issue a fixed version tomorrow.    There was a major internal refactoring of the plugins code since last months release and although this will help with long term maintenance a few gremlins seem to have crept in that I missed during testing.

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  • JorgeB locked this topic
20 hours ago, Anubclaw said:

thank you :) this will help 

Can you please confirm whether the update I have posted has fixed the handling of temperatures on your system by the parity check tuning plugin.   I find testing this feature particularly difficult as I have to simulate overheating as my drives do not actually do this.


if there is still a problem then raise it in the support thread for the plugin.


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