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64 GB Kingston SSD - $63.95 after MIR


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Make sure you save your receipt!  I had a Kingston SSD go south and they are not honoring the warranty because I cannot prove I'm the "original" owner.  The SSD came with a three year warranty, but the drive itself was only released two years ago.  I have never had this issue with WD or Seagete on warranty replacements.

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Hey Rajahal -


Do you recommend using this SSD as cache drive? I see that its only 2.5", will this fit inside of my Cooler Master 590 case?





That depends on your usage patterns.  If you write small files to your server quite often, then an SSD as a cache drive might be a good idea.  The transfer speeds won't be that much faster than a regular HDD, but the low power and lack of spin up delay might be worth it.  If you write large files (BluRay rips, etc.) then 64 GB is probably too small.


Also keep in mind that all SSDs have a limited number of writes before they fail.  In normal usage, an SSD should last for 2 - 3 years at minimum.  So just expect to replace it after about that long.


There are many ways to make a 2.5" drive fit into a standard HDD cage.  Here's a few examples:

SSD Converter


SSD Rack


Just google 'ssd converter' and you'll find plenty more.  Without knowing more about your server, I can't tell you which one exactly is the right choice.

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Kingston SSDNow Solid State Drive   - SNVP325-S2/64GB


$63.95 after MIR


Rebate is good for up to 2 SSDs.  Fill out two rebates forms and mail them in the same envelope.


Not the fastest SSD around, but a damn good price after the rebate.  Even before the rebate it is significantly cheaper than Newegg.


Is this model really much faster than a Hard Drive?  Looking at PassMark's benchmarks, it looks like the average composite score out of 31 samples is a 955.  In comparison, a 2TB WD Black HDD averages an 838 (129 samples).  Or you can go with a smaller Samsung 320 GB drive that averages a score of 945 (187 samples).  It seems like you pay a premium to get SSD, but really don't get any performance out of it.  Now maybe for a laptop, you could justify it because you would be bouncing it around a lot.  But for unRAID, it would seem to me you would be better off with a 320GB HDD that costs $40.


Some SSD's are real dogs and really aren't better than a good HDD.  This may be one of them.  Most of the more popular SSD's get benchmarks of 1400-1500, well beyond anything a HDD can produce.  

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You are right, this model isn't much faster than a standard HDD.  However, for some people the lower power consumption, lower heat production, lower noise, etc. are worth the extra money, especially for something like a cache drive.

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Kingston SSDNow Solid State Drive   - SNVP325-S2/64GB


$63.95 after MIR


Rebate is good for up to 2 SSDs.  Fill out two rebates forms and mail them in the same envelope.


Not the fastest SSD around, but a damn good price after the rebate.  Even before the rebate it is significantly cheaper than Newegg.


Is this model really much faster than a Hard Drive?  Looking at PassMark's benchmarks, it looks like the average composite score out of 31 samples is a 955.  In comparison, a 2TB WD Black HDD averages an 838 (129 samples).  Or you can go with a smaller Samsung 320 GB drive that averages a score of 945 (187 samples).  It seems like you pay a premium to get SSD, but really don't get any performance out of it.  Now maybe for a laptop, you could justify it because you would be bouncing it around a lot.  But for unRAID, it would seem to me you would be better off with a 320GB HDD that costs $40.


Some SSD's are real dogs and really aren't better than a good HDD.  This may be one of them.  Most of the more popular SSD's get benchmarks of 1400-1500, well beyond anything a HDD can produce.  


After the rebate, it's ideal for a HTPC running XBMC.

You don't need all that much speed and you don't want something spinning constantly either.

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After the rebate, it's ideal for a HTPC running XBMC.

You don't need all that much speed and you don't want something spinning constantly either.


that was my exact thought. My XBMC could use this at that price. get rid of the ancient sata1 i found in the trash.



as far as using this unit for unraid;


There are advantages to using this over a spinner for a cache drive.

if you tend to write a lot of smaller files often (one an hour or more) or copy over a bluray rip every two-hours. this is going to save you a bit of electricity since the spinner would be  running  almost all day. especially true if you have a Blue or Black cache drive.


If you are not copying stuff as often, then we'll assume your cache drive gets to sleep, you wont have to wait for it to wake up and spin up as you start to copy to the  server. not to mention you probably use the default mover times or twice a day.


I am assuming that with an SSD, you can have your mover script  run every 2 hours. If your copying files to the SSD while it is shifting files (executing the script) to your array, you should see no (or very small if any) write performance hit due to the nature of the SSD. the spinner will have some issues. You should usually get the sequential write times with unraid  instead of random, the mover script will keep this drive pretty sanitized unlike n OS drive.


I saw a few reviews claiming that with the latest MLC SSD's, you should be able to write 1.5TB to a 120gig SSD every day for 5 years before it starts to burn out.


So there is an advantage to an  SSD over a Spinner for a cache drive IMO, but is the price hit worth it to you? just make sure you get one that has better or equal write then a mechanical drive.


Again this is all my theory and not scientific or proven.

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It might be a slow SSD but I bet it still easily outperforms any platter drive on seek times and small random file reads and writes.


I wouldn't use it as a cache but then I scheduled my mover to run once a week.


I set my important shares to not use the cache disk. The movies and TV shows can easily be replaced if it did die on me.



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Anyone know what if any converter exist to get a SSD into a Norco (4224) hot-swap drive cage. So it would position the SSD's SATA ports just like a traditional spinner drive.


The ICY DOCK MB882SP-1S-1B is desigend for using in hotswap bays.

The ICY DOCK MB882SP-1S-2B should work also and is quite a bit cheaper


I looked at that option at first, then looked at the back mounted option and ruled it out.,

In the end I had decided i would just put the  SSD inside the norco mounted on the sidewall if i went that option, but having it front swapable is a nifty idea. I am still up in the air on if i want an SSD yet, I need to perform realworld tests with my spinners. I think I can live with them..

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Anyone know what if any converter exist to get a SSD into a Norco (4224) hot-swap drive cage. So it would position the SSD's SATA ports just like a traditional spinner drive.


The ICY DOCK MB882SP-1S-1B is desigend for using in hotswap bays.

The ICY DOCK MB882SP-1S-2B should work also and is quite a bit cheaper


I looked at that option at first, then looked at the back mounted option and ruled it out.,

In the end I had decided i would just put the  SSD inside the norco mounted on the sidewall if i went that option, but having it front swapable is a nifty idea. I am still up in the air on if i want an SSD yet, I need to perform realworld tests with my spinners. I think I can live with them..



Interesting, have you tried to install either one into a norco slot? Looks like one would lose the LED's, wondering if there is anything out there that would have just the guts to put into the standard norco tray inorder to get a 2.5 SSD in...

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There is a video on newegg how to use it. The led should work.


Ah i see now, this should hopefull drop in the norco tray as if a 5.25 drive... got you now. I found one feed back that may help others:


" it was about 1-2mm too thick to fit (notice that a hard drive is slightly thinner on the edges, this device was as uniformly thick as a drive at its thickest). A few minutes of working the edges with a power sander makes this devices work as intended. "


Well I am going to pick one up the "2B" version (as it actually have more vent holes) and take one for the team  ;)


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I know this is an off topic question, but:


I just checked out my laptop hard-drive's SMART status: it is showing that it is doing a lot of "reallocation", meaning it might fail soon.


Currently it has: 80GB2 4200rpm Ultra ATA hard-drive in it.


My question is: can I buy this SSD and replace existing hard drive?




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Ultra ATA is not SATA, so I doubt it would work. You'd need to fit a SATA to IDE adapter in there and the laptop doesn't likely have any extra space around the HDD connector end.





Just my luck  :-\ Do you know if they make a SSD or hybrid hard drive that is compatible with my laptop?

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Peter is correct.


According to Sony's documentation (attached Hard Drive Replacement Guide) - http://esupport.sony.com/US/perl/model-documents.pl?mdl=VGN-FS620W - the interface is IDE/PATA not SATA.  PATA ssds do exist, but don't seem to be as common or as cheap as the SATA ones.


Some examples:



64GB/$196/Out Of Stock: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820208431



32GB/$95/In Stock: http://www.superbiiz.com/detail.php?name=FHM32GF25H&title=Super-Talent-2-5-inch-32GB-MasterDrive-EX2-IDE-Solid-State-Drive-MLC

64GB/$145/Out Of Stock: http://www.superbiiz.com/detail.php?name=FHM64GF25H&title=Super-Talent-2-5-inch-64GB-MasterDrive-EX2-IDE-Solid-State-Drive-MLC





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