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Not sure if its a RC 4 bug or just 1 out of the 2 array disks messing things up

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So im having some issues with one of the array drives and now when i tried to acces unraid via phone i can see the following things(attached pictures). Same things happening if i access it from a laptop


So,  docker file not working.. however im watching Plex as we speak.. i can access most of the containers ( haven't tried all but like 10 of them are working without hiccups).


Syslog incoming tomorrow morning as im dead asleep



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Your flash drive is either defective and needs to be transferred or has dropped offline -> try a different port  A reboot is necessary to fix these errors


The drive is fine IMO.  Just watch the reallocated sectors.  If they keep increasing, then replace the drive

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1. I just replaced a "corrupted" USB 1-2 weeks ago. ( GF decided to step on it )

2. Thank you for the super fast reply. Diagnostics coming in ~10 hours once i woke up 😴😵💫

3. The drive is for RMA, as it kept increasing every other day or so; currently everything is closed due Easter :) decided to "risk" it until i receive the new ordered hdd to move date and send the defective one back

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