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"Execution Error" for both Virtual Machines

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Hi All,

The Execution Error started appearing out of no where.  This error pops up anytime I try to launch either my Linux Mint VM or my Win10 VM which are mounted to a 1TB NVME stick as shown in the screen captures below.


My NVME Win10 VM was successfully working for the longest time configured to the path below:



And my NVME Linux Mint VM was successfully working for the longest time configured to the path below:



In my Libvirt.txt Log Diagnostics file I downloaded it mentions a "virStorageFileReportBrokenChain:5178".  I suspect it is a clue as to why I lost access to my VMs. Does anybody know what does a "virStorageFileReportBrokenChain:5178" mean?


More Disk Log Information is shown in the screen capture below as well.  I don't understand why it shows the word "DISCARD" in this line of code: 


discard '/dev/nvme0n1p1' 


Should I interpret this to mean my Unraid OS  for some crazy reason has discarded my the NVME drive which contains the img files for both of my VMs? How can I confirm if this is really the case? Is there a logical troubleshooting work flow I can follow that will help get to the bottom of this problem?


Any help will be tremendously appreciated.  I would really like to know if this problem is fixable.  I would hate to erase the NVME stick and start from scratch all over again building my two VMs.   Thank you for your time.









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  • slipstream changed the title to "Execution Error" for both Virtual Machines

Thank you for your post.  Your advice pointed me in the right direction to where I eventually was able to solve this problem.  


I looked at the Unassigned Devices GUI located in the MAIN tab.  I clicked on the GEAR icon and found no mount parameter to where I could change the path. I also clicked on various other Unassigned Devices icons and the result was the same. I couldn't find any parameter where one is allowed to change the NVME path.  


So my focus changed to UnRaid's VM tab where it is possible to edit the Ubuntu template. In the Ubuntu template there is a parameter where I was able to make the change shown below:




After making this change my Linux Mint VM now fires up perfectly without any errors.

Now the million dollar question I have is why did Unassigned Devices autonomously change the path to my NVME drive?  I never got any notification of this change and I would have appreciated such a notification because it was a big head ache to fix this problem. Is there anything I could do that will lock my Unassigned Devices configuration to prevent such changes from being done in the future without my knowing about it?  


Any tips welcome and thank you for your time. 



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