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Question RE HDD Health

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15 hours ago, JonathanM said:

Likely yes, try running a long smart test and see if it changes.


A single point in time with those stats isn't very meaningful, you need a trend, so multiple data points over time, with the drive being used during that time.


Yeah this has only just happened, I have a replacement drive already ordered so I can swap it out if necessary very quickly.  I ran a test yesterday and there was no change.  I'm running another one now.


Perhaps keep using it for another day keeping a close eye and if anything changes do the swap out right away?


I have a Reallocated sector count of 1200, and Reported uncorrect at 162 as well.



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36 minutes ago, craig_read said:

Reallocated sector count of 1200,

This is NOT a good sign :)  With a value like that there is a good chance that failure could be imminent, although if it remains constant you may in theory get away with continuing to use the disk.


36 minutes ago, craig_read said:

Reported uncorrect at 162 as well.

Also not a good sign.


Overall I would suggest this disk is a RMA candidate. 

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In that case I have my replacement arriving in a few hours, I'll swap out this drive, RMA and probably use the replaced drive to upgrade one of the smaller drives in the system.


I've attached the report, but Unraid is saying "Self-test execution status    121     The previous self-test completed having the read element of the test failed."  I'd say that's not looking good...


The drive is in warranty so I'll package it up and send it back for replacement.  I'm using an encrypted array so I am assuming I don't need to blank it to return it, my data is protected and unreadable?



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