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new disk cant go through extended smart

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I recently bought 4TB seagate terascale for my server. I precleared it and added to my array. It worked fine for about 3 weeks. Just yesterday I bought license for unraid and today it's telling me that this new drive have read errors... Short SMART is not detecting any problems, but extended SMART is not able to complete due to "Interupted (host restart)". I've read that it could mean that the drive is nearly dead, so currently I'm copying all data to the second drive in the array.

Now, what should I do? the wisest thing would probably be to return the drive, but maybe it's not necessary? Should I try preclearing it again first? (It's about 18h process for this drive)
If i return it, should I get the same again? There is one shop where these drives cost about 300PLN (~72USD), and everywhere else any 4TB drive is at least ~400PLN (~92USD). So I'm not sure what should I do... (these 100pln is not a small amount of money for me(student))

Also I don't have a parity drive yet. I wanted to buy it today/tomorrow, and I wanted to buy another terascale, so, again, I'm not sure what to do.

If you need any debug info, please tell me what exactly I should give you. For now I just give you atrributes of this terascale


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after moving all data to the other drive, I've retried the extended SMART, and it completed without error :/

I can try to return it, but now I'm just confused what happened...
After test (or moving, not sure) 
Raw read error rate went from 121943208 to 34142832. I'm no expert in analysis of SMART, but I don't think that this value should be so big, especially when my second drive with over 2 years of power on, has 0

Should I go with buying same drives? The next cheapest option for me is toshiba p300, but it's slightly above my budget, and as far as I know terascale should be better for 24/7 operation.


As for returns, I believe that it shouldn't be a problem, but if you have any tips, I'm happy to hear them.

haruhi-smart-20220424-1105.zip terascale_attributes_after_SMART.txt

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Ok, so I talked to a friend, and he recommended me that I should still use the drive, but get parity drive as fast as possible. The errors that I have encountered may have been caused by me tampering with shares, and moving all data from one drive to the other fixed it.

Thank you guys a lot

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  • Solution

Sorry for double post, but I think it's important. I kind of found the real issue. It was (is) power. I found out that if I plug 3 drives on the same cable, the last one (the one with problems) is not always detected, and if it is, its behaviour is strange (no temp, showing as 4GB instead of 4TB, or spitting read erros). So I added another cable, and it worked. I discovered this just now, because parity drive arrived so I needed to find a new cable.


Now I'm not sure if cable is the problem (broken?), or is it that I shouldn't connect 3HDDs (1 is 2,5) to the same cable. But if it's the second one, then Silentium PC shouldn't add cables that allowed to do that...


I don't wanna mangle with those drives too much, so I won't test it, but if someone has similar problem, you can try another/second cable

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