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【HELP】 After executing the "mv" command, Data wasn't disappears

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My Array and pool are both in btrfs format
For some reason, I had to transfer the data from the xfs drive to the Array via the "mv" command (can't via unbalance)
But after rebooting, the transferred data is gone, I'm very frustrated now.😥😥
Is there any rescue method? thanks a lot!!
*The target disk (new disk) is in btrfs-encrypt format.
*The new disk should be full normally

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Without know what command you actually used, it's hard to say what happened here.  It's extremely unlikely that if the command was correct and structured to properly move from one UD disk to another UD disk that data loss would have occurred.


OTOH, what ever command you used wound up putting it into RAM and it is now lost after rebooting.


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27 minutes ago, wdnaser said:

"mv -fC olddisk newdisk"

In linux, exact is critical. If you mistyped something in the newdisk path, the files would end up in RAM instead of on the disk.


What EXACTLY did you put in the "olddisk" and "newdisk" part of the command? How did you determine what to put there?

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1 hour ago, wdnaser said:

Before I shutdown, I saw all my files on the newdisk (that should mean it's really transferred, right?) 

Just after reboot, the data is almost gone (remove the auto-generated docker.img, only about 10 gb left...)

Just now I remembered the full command

#backup folder is empty
mv -fC mnt/disks/olddiskid/* mnt/disk1/backup


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