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Docker downloads, install and settings adjustments extremely slow - 6.10rc7?

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Have an intel 11600k system with 64GB memory.  I've updated to the latest unraid of 6.10rc7 and I'm not sure if it's related to that or not but I'm seeing VERY slow docker installs and adjustments. Basically everything related to docker is painfully slow. Has anyone else noticed this?

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I am on 6.10.3 and have been experiencing slower SABnzbd downloads for a little while now, maybe end of May. From 80-90MB/s down to 1-5MB/s.

I am not sure it is due to any of the unraid updates, but i am at a lost to what else to look at.
If someone who knows more than I is able to look over and advise?
I have been running the same setup and configuration for years now with the only changes being OS updates and a recent move to using a HBA card.


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