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6.10.0 - access issues

Go to solution Solved by ljm42,

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After the upgrade I can no longer log in via the ip address any longer only tower.local:8008

Any attempt to log in as it was prior to the upgrade to rc10 is met with a 404 from nginx

Also my rootshare is not accessible from windows any longer. Windows sees "Tower" but will not allow access.

I have tried everything in the troubleshooting threads related to these things and used the manual to attempt to sort the nginx issue but have made literally zero headway. Any help in getting this resolved is very much appreciated.



I downgraded back to 6.9.2 again from rc10 and the issues seem to be persistent where I had zero issues before.


tower-diagnostics-20220520-2013.zip tower-diagnostics-20220510-2249.zip

Edited by LordShad0w
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I split your issue into its own topic


These diags are from 6.9.2 so I'll be guessing somewhat.


When posting urls, please include http:// or https:// up front so I know which one you are trying to use :) Based on the port I'm going to assume you are using http:// urls. 


It sounds like you are currently running 6.9.2, go ahead and login using http://ipaddress:8008 or http://tower.local:8008 and go to Settings -> Management Access. Change "Use SSL/TLS" from "Auto" to "No". Then open a web terminal and run:

rm /boot/config/ssl/certs/certificate_bundle.pem

(this may show an error, I'm not sure if you have that file or not)


With those settings you should be able to upgrade to 6.10.0 and access the webgui using either http://ipaddress:8008 or http://tower.local:8008 . If you can't successfully login, please clear your browser cache. If you still have issues please provide the exact error message and the exact url you are trying to use.


Other topics:


You have a TON of plugins installed, I'd recommend deleting as many of them as you can. Each one is a potential source of problems.

The "rootshare" concept is not part of the base OS. Are you doing that through the Unassigned Devices plugin? Since you are having issues, I would recommend disabling root shares in 6.9.2 and re-enabling it after upgrading once everything else is working. Then if you have further issues with this you should ask about it in the Unassigned Devices thread.


How do you have the nvidia-driver.plg installed, I thought that was 6.10 only? Were you previously running a 6.10.0 RC? You shouldn't roll back to 6.9.2 if you are using features that were added in the 6.10.0 rc series.

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It seems there is another issue since downgrading back to 6.9.2
http://tower.local:8008/Dashboard is how I got in

I am no longer able to access the command line. I tried going in to tolls and disabling it and then re-enabling it but am having no luck.

I did remove a large amount of plugins and dockers as per your recommendation. Will attempt a reboot and see what happens.


The nvidia driver thing is supposedly used in order to see what my card is doing on the dash when Plex is handling transcodes. If it can continue to do so without it, I will happily remove it.


Post reboot I am still unable to access the command line though I did access the server with WinSCP to manually remove the file you mentioned. No access from within UNraid itself


Edited by LordShad0w
added information after reboot
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Most everything seems to work as it should again with me once again having access to the command line, so I marked it as solved.


I still can not access the network share I created and as such my media streaming setup is now entirely broken. If you have any ideas to get that sorted, I would be grateful.

That aside, thank you so much for your time and your assistance.

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Was the rootshare something you followed a guide for and created on your own? If so, I'd recommend undoing that and using the one built in to Unassigned Devices instead, then you'll be supported by the plugin rather than being on your own.


Having said that, the rootshare should only be used for administrative tasks like moving files around. Using it completely bypasses all of Unraid's share-level features like permissions and which disks to use, etc. It should definitely not be part of your day to day media streaming setup.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was using a rootshare based on the guide on youtube from InvaderOne.
I only used it to move tv shows and movies across the unraid server itself from my main windows PC onto the server. It also allowed me quick access to the files for things like adding subs or deleting them all together should I want to.


I tried using the unassigned devices method after you mentioned it but I still can not get it working.
Do I need to enable/disable SMB for it to operate?
Could you paste in the default SMB Extras configuration as I accidentally deleted it and I would like it back to "stock" if possible.

Thanks in advance. :)

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SMB is currently disabled as my wife is watching a show so I can't stop the server immediately. I did, however, try it earlier today and it seems like no matter what I do I can not see the server from my windows machine. I made a user share via unassigned devices, rootshare as well, neither were seen by windows. I even wen't so far as to try a fresh windows install on my main machine this morning and still no luck. I have been banging my head against a wall trying to get something that used to work perfectly to just... work.

Also if I could request again "the default SMB Extras configuration as I accidentally deleted it and I would like it back to "stock", that would be much appreciated.
Also @dlandon thank you for the various useful and neat dockers you have made. 


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4 minutes ago, LordShad0w said:

SMB is currently disabled as my wife is watching a show so I can't stop the server immediately. I did, however, try it earlier today and it seems like no matter what I do I can not see the server from my windows machine. I made a user share via unassigned devices, rootshare as well, neither were seen by windows. I even wen't so far as to try a fresh windows install on my main machine this morning and still no luck. I have been banging my head against a wall trying to get something that used to work perfectly to just... work.

Also if I could request again "the default SMB Extras configuration as I accidentally deleted it and I would like it back to "stock", that would be much appreciated.
Also @dlandon thank you for the various useful and neat dockers you have made. 

tower-diagnostics-20220606-1522.zip 137.96 kB · 0 downloads

I don't see where you tried to mount the rootshare.  In order to mount a rootshare, you need to have SMB enabled, and UD SMB settings to enable SMB shares on UD.  Then click the "Mount" button to mount the root share.


I don't suggest you use the smb-extra.conf settings.  That is not "stock" and can create other issues.

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So smb-extra should be blank?

Also, forgive my ignorance but what is "UD"? *edit Unassigned Devices. Massive I feel like an idiot moment. sorry!

I created and mounted a root share  and a user share this morning. It didn't work so I deleted them. I apologize for being unclear in my description.


Edited by LordShad0w
I plead temporary idiocy
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I followed the advice to use the UD to make a share. This is what happens

"Jun 7 22:33:35 Tower unassigned.devices: SMB default protocol mount failed: 'mount error: could not resolve address for SHADOW-PC: Unknown error '. Jun 7 22:33:35 Tower unassigned.devices: SMB 3.1.1 mount failed: 'mount error: could not resolve address for SHADOW-PC: Unknown error '. Jun 7 22:33:35 Tower unassigned.devices: SMB 3.0 mount failed: 'mount error: could not resolve address for SHADOW-PC: Unknown error '. Jun 7 22:33:35 Tower unassigned.devices: SMB 2.0 mount failed: 'mount error: could not resolve address for SHADOW-PC: Unknown error '. Jun 7 22:33:35 Tower unassigned.devices: SMB 1.0 mount failed: 'mount error: could not resolve address for SHADOW-PC: Unknown error '."


Windows now actually sees the unraid server
Unraid sees my windows machine and finds it instantly when creating the share.
I am lost as to what I am doing incorrectly here.

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