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BTRFS error and drive disabled

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Disabled/emulated disk4 mounts, but it doesn't have much data. Is that expected?


Diagnostics shows shares G-----------y and M---a with files on disk4.


You should be able to see the contents of emulated disk4 by clicking on the icon in the View column for the disk on Main - Array Devices. The emulated contents is exactly what would be rebuilt.

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The only btrfs filesystems are your 3 drive pool named cache. And docker and libvirt .img vdisks which aren't on disk4. So that has nothing to do with the disabled disk.


I didn't see any problems with disk4 in syslog. Did you reboot after it became disabled?


And I didn't notice any btrfs error in syslog maybe that was before reboot.


I did notice you have 50G allocated to docker.img. Have you had problems filling it?


Unrelated, but your appdata and system shares have files on the array.

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ok, i'll answer your questions in order.

It's expected that it doesn't have much data. i have about 16TB of storage and only about 5TB used so that's normal for it.

I'm unsure if the drive was disabled before the reboot. I just say a bunch of my docker containers stopped and some btrfs errors in the log and decided to reboot to try and fix it before posting and after that reboot i noticed that the drive was disabled (the drive didn't have any data being used by the docker containers so i have no idea why they stopped)

I had an issue with filling the docker image in the past because i have a lot of game servers running on my tower so even with 50gb i end up using about 43% of it at all times

I'll have to take a look at the connections. i'm using a hba with a sas to sata splitter thing so it's probably a bad connection there. After i redo the connections, would you say i'm probably safe to rebuild onto the same drive?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, the same or a very similar issue just happened again. I've not restarted the server this time and i've got the diagnostics



Edit: I tried to stop the array to stop any further errors and now the array is failing to stop and is stuck on unmounting disks

Edit 2: Just rebooted the system to get things running again and have the same issue as last time with disk 4 disabled

Edited by nmills3
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all the hard drives (sdb,sdd,sdc,sde and whatever disk 4 was) are connected via a HBA but all of the other drives (ssds) are connected directly to the motherboard because people said not to connect the ssds to a hba. should i just switch them over to all be on the hba?

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6 minutes ago, nmills3 said:

So basically that sata controller pooped the bed and that broke disk 4 and i assume also messed up the cache drives connected to it causing the issues with my dockers dying then i assume?



9 minutes ago, nmills3 said:

Is it safe for me to just connect everything via the HBA?

Yes, you'll lose TRIM support on the SSDs though.

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hmm. what i might do then, is connect all the hard drives to the hba and leave the ssds on the motherboard. I've had the cache drives connected to that controller for upto 150 days working fine but it seems that as soon as a hdd is connected, that's when it goes wrong. If I continue to have these issues after that, then i guess my only option is to connect everything to the HBA

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Well i've had 3 860 evos connected for 100 days without issue. thinking about it, i might have moved a drive about a month ago. i bet i moved disk 4 from one of the hot swap bays connected to the HBA to one of the ones connected to the mobo without realising. I'll probably switch it so all the hotswap ports are on the hba and i'll just move the ssds to somewhere else connected directly to the mobo

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