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ffmpeg - segmentation fault after upgrading Unraid

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I installed ffmpeg in my Unraid as a native app (wget https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/releases/ffmpeg-release-amd64-static.tar.xz ) a while back in order to create a script to record fm online radio with user script plugin. It has been working fine until after I upgraded my Unraid to the newest version.


As soon as the script run the ffmpeg command, it stops immediately with "segmentation fault" error, without any other error information.


Anyone has experienced the same and has any solution to this?


Thank you.


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12 hours ago, bthoven said:

I installed ffmpeg in my Unraid as a native app (wget https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/releases/ffmpeg-release-amd64-static.tar.xz ) a while back in order to create a script to record fm online radio with user script plugin. It has been working fine until after I upgraded my Unraid to the newest version.


You should not install things directly on the unRAID host, and this is one of the reasons why. Use a docker container instead https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/ffmpeg. Your script can launch the ffmpeg container just as easily as it could launch a native app. 

  • Thanks 2
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Thanks a lot. Running it as a disposable docker container with docker run cli in my User Scripts has solved the problem.

Just for future reference as to how I change the ffmpeg command line to make it work:

# native installed ffmpeg no longer works after unraid upgrade, then use docker instead
#ffmpeg -i http://lb-media.mcot.net:1935/RadioLive/fm965_live.smil/chunklist_w828819029_b2000000.m3u8 -t 00:$1:00 -acodec mp3 -ab 128k -metadata title=$2 -metadata artist=$3 -metadata album=$4 /mnt/user/unraid_shared/radio/$FILENAME.mp3

docker run --rm -v /mnt/user/unraid_shared/radio:/config linuxserver/ffmpeg -i http://lb-media.mcot.net:1935/RadioLive/fm965_live.smil/chunklist_w828819029_b2000000.m3u8 -t 00:$1:00 -acodec mp3 -ab 128k -metadata title=$2 -metadata artist=$3 -metadata album=$4 /config/$FILENAME.mp3


Edited by bthoven
remove -it option
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  • 1 year later...

thats the only thread i found about this issue.


Im not running it directly on unraid, im just using containers which uses ffmpeg, but still iget those errors.

Aug 13 16:10:36 Unraid-Server kernel: ffmpeg[27483]: segfault at 0 ip 000014815cbdabee sp 00007fffbb727028 error 4 in libc-2.31.so[14815ca79000+178000]
Aug 13 16:10:36 Unraid-Server kernel: Code: 0f 84 fd fe ff ff e9 21 7e f3 ff 90 f3 0f 1e fa 89 f8 31 d2 c5 c5 ef ff 09 f0 25 ff 0f 00 00 3d 80 0f 00 00 0f 8f 52 03 00 00 <c5> fe 6f 0f c5 f5 74 06 c5 fd da c1 c5 fd 74 c7 c5 fd d7 c8 85 c9


It doesnt seem to make a big problem, but i wonder whatst he problem is?


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