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Help me get PlexTraktSync working again


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The container just stopped working, i did a re-install in both methods described in Github but nothing.


When i start the container and i click on console it gives me the following error : "Error response from daemon: Container 943cde93235b54242f7acccc4276d7dbba31b408da2bcc3439e36d28d9afc048 is not running"


These are the logs from the container itslef : nection error: (401) unauthorized; https://192-168-X-XXX.50da8a33f5144102804b184ce28118b2.plex.direct:32400/ <html><head><script>window.location = window.location.href.match(/(^.+\/)[^\/]*$/)[1] + 'web/index.html';</script><title>Unauthorized</title></head><body><h1>401 Unauthorized</h1></body></html>, local url http://172.18.X.X:32400 didn't respond either. Check PLEX_LOCALURL in .env file.


I have tried to put both Plex and this docker in the same customer network on docker, both of them as host, one host and one on the custom network, but in vain.


Any help would be appreciated.

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On 9/2/2022 at 3:01 AM, Ashepp said:

Did you ever figure this out? I have the same issue.


On 11/29/2022 at 1:57 PM, steve1977 said:

It seems to be working for others then? ;-) Let me file a bug report. Maybe you can add to it to get developer attention?

I did get it to work again, by going to the file config and change the token after re-authenticating plex and linking it to Trakt.
It was pure intuition, but it's bad that the container never tells you what's wrong even in the logs.
One more thing, each time you update the container, you have to redo the login on console, so i would suggest to leave it as is if you manage to make it work.

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Honestly I'm not sure but I think I recall having a similar problem when I fist setup my instance.  I never figured out what was causing the problem, but I just stopped the docker, removed my folder appdata/plextraktsync. Restarted the docker, went to the console, entered "python3 -m plextraktsync" and re-setup the credentials and it just worked. Just figure something in the original appdata folder got corrupted somehow but don't know what. 


To note, both my plex and plextraktsync are running on host

Edited by Rex099
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Thanks @Rex099 your comment here is the only thing that got me on the right path to sorting this after some extensive googling! Essentially deleting the appdata folder got the docker working again. I then spent almost 2 hours getting it to work again because it's been ages since I did it the first time! With the new docker as of today the command to run when the docker is working again is "plextraktsync sync". This will trigger the setup process. Top tip... I was stuck on this for a solid half hour... use your email as the login username for plex. It gives you an undecipherable error if you use your username! Then follow the instructions on the plextraktsync githib page. You will need to setup again from scratch. But finally got this working again! 

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  • 7 months later...

I'm getting exactly the "401 unauthorized" error with plextraktsync so I tried the solutions described above, but when I attempt to login it gives me an "API Rate Limit Exceeded" error upon password entry. I'll try again later but it's a shame it's such a frustration getting this to work. Thanks for the posts here, regardless, couldn't find any other useful info on this error.

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Since the latest update, the docker is working for me. This is great!

I now would like to let it run automatically, but have not yet been successful. I created a userscript with the content below:



docker start PlexTraktSync


This starts the docker, but it does not run the script (python3 -m plextraktsync). Any idea how to accomplish this?

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/9/2023 at 7:43 AM, steve1977 said:

Since the latest update, the docker is working for me. This is great!

I now would like to let it run automatically, but have not yet been successful. I created a userscript with the content below:



docker start PlexTraktSync


This starts the docker, but it does not run the script (python3 -m plextraktsync). Any idea how to accomplish this?


This should be correct, this is all my script does and it works. Once PlexTraktSync is configured correctly and has done it's first run every time the docker is triggered it will run a sync and then turn itself off.

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