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Help needed - transferring containers between Unraid servers

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So I have 2 Unraid servers, one of which (UnraidA) has containers on custom bridges associated with my management and guest networks.  The other has an additional bridge associated with my IOT network, and this one (UnraidB) is my media server.  I run about 20 containers on each, but the ones that I'd like to secure a bit more, e.g. unifi-controller, vaultwarden, etc. have been on UnraidA, which has an i7-6700.  UnraidB has more of the media-server-related containers as you'd expect, but that server is running on an AMD 5900X with a RTX3070 I have passed through to a VM I use mainly for gaming.

At times I need to support transcoding and I don't want to run Plex or Jellyfin in the VM, so I can't support it because the 5900X doesn't have an igpu.  I realized I really could just "swap" the servers and then Plex or Jellyfin can use the Intel igpu and I can still use the other box for gaming.  I took the step of shutting my containers down and making sure I added or removed shares to keep my sensitive information in a similar posture as to what it is now, and that seemed to go okay.  I tried copying appdata for a couple of containers (unifi-controller and swag) from UnraidA to UnraidB and installing them using the same options as I'd used before and firing them up as a test, but I'm failing pretty hard here.  

Both test containers start just fine, but swag reports it successfully retrieved a certificate then a couple of lines later says ERROR:  Cert does not exist.  It tells me to check the validation credentials in my cloudflare.ini file but this matches the original, I've confirmed.  The unifi-controller won't even accept my username and password.

So it seems that due to file locks, permissions, or something else these haven't been transferring properly.  Any ideas how to fix this or an easier way to move containers between Unraid servers?  They have identical network configurations so at least I don't have to deal with that being different.  Thanks for any help from the gurus.

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That was going to be my next question when I realized at least part of the issue is I didn't move or swap the docker.img files first.  


I did just complete another backup of each with the plugin, and everything is shut down at the moment, including Docker services. 


Can just use the appdata backup plugin and just have each restore from the other's backups?  Do I have to do any other prep, like delete docker.img and delete existing appdata folders so they don't "merge"?

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I started down this path but what's odd is that I got swag and unifi-controller working fine this way, but of course I'm having to go to Previous Apps to have it actually reinstall the containers and it's showing the apps from BEFORE the transfer, even though I'd deleted all that out of the appdata share, rebooted the server, etc. If I manually browse there it shows all the correct container appdata folders I want it to have, but it doesn't reflect that in the server....

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Have you considered the templates on flash? That is where the information for the docker create/run command comes from. Those templates are saved on flash in config/plugins/templates-user when you create or edit a container, and they are used by Previous Apps to reinstall. 

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