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[6.9.2] Running unraid as host and VM - USB passthrough

Go to solution Solved by Struck,

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Hello everyone.

I am trying to combine two unraid machienes I have been running.

But since Unraid still does not support multiple arrays in a single install, I am trying to run the second unraid in a VM.


But when i plug a new unraid USB into the already running system, the USB is not available to be assigned to a VM.

As unassigned disks plugin, says the USB is "array"


The Log tells me what happens:


It seems like the existing unraid picks up the USB unraid, and locks the device, as it now is the active license.

The USB i am using is using a new blank unraid 6.10.3 install, until i know if this would work or not.


I already own the two unraid pro licenses.

The host unraid system is currently running Unraid 6.9.2

I can post diagnostics, but i don't know if that would help anyway.

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1 hour ago, SimonF said:



You need to change the 2nd USB to be a different volume name and change the syslinux config with the label name.


append unraidlabel=UNRAID-VM initrd=/bzroot




Thanks for the informatiopn.

This solved my initial problem.

I followed the video, but the USB does not appear as a boot device in the VM.

I edited the files on thje USB drive, and ran the make_bootable file without any problems.

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1 minute ago, Struck said:

Thanks for the informatiopn.

This solved my initial problem.

I followed the video, but the USB does not appear as a boot device in the VM.

I edited the files on thje USB drive, and ran the make_bootable file without any problems.

How are you mapping the USB device to the VM?

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4 minutes ago, Struck said:

Thanks for the informatiopn.

This solved my initial problem.

I followed the video, but the USB does not appear as a boot device in the VM.

I edited the files on thje USB drive, and ran the make_bootable file without any problems.

Is the USB drive the same model as that used by the host?    It is much more convenient if it is not.

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16 minutes ago, SimonF said:

Are you using ovmf for the bios and have renamed the efi- directory on flash to efi?


I actually used the USB media creation tool to create the media, but altered the drive label and edited the files afterwards,

Maybe this is not the way to do it.

EFI folder is named as is default, when using the media creation tool.



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  • Solution

I finally got a breakthrough.
I tried many different settings.
But when I switched the USB Controller from 2.0 EHCI to 3.0 (qemu XHCI) It suddently appeared as a bootable device




I didn't try this earlier, since i expected 2.0 to work better for boot than 3.0.

Thanks for all your guys help so far

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