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HDD errors

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Hello to all.  I received a message about errors on one of my drives yesterday.  I restarted in maintenance mode and ran a check and everything comes back clean, so I restarted the box.  Now today I am currently getting 160 errors on one of my drives.   I look through the smart details and see what look to be UNC errors.  I assume I have bad sectors on my drive, can someone verify they see they same thing or am I way off base?


I have attached diagnostics for reference.  I'm seeing the errors on disk 4. 


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When in doubt?... Backup and replace.


No one can "confirm" a drive failure before you already know its happening before your eyes.


I'm NOT saying your drive has failed. I continue to use a drive with a SMART error over 6 years old. Reread my first line.





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extended test shows completed with out error


Num Test_Description Status Remaining LifeTime(hours) LBA_of_first_error

# 1 Extended offline Completed without error 00% 12372 -

# 2 Short offline Completed without error 00% 12359 -


I will replace the drive and cable with spare and go from there

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