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[Support] xthursdayx - Ferdium-server

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Application Name: Ferdium-server

Application Site: https://github.com/ferdium/ferdium-server

Github: https://github.com/ferdium/ferdium-server


Ferdium is a desktop app that helps you organize how you use your favourite apps by combining them into one application. It is based on Franz – a software already used by thousands of people – with the difference that Ferdium gives you many additional features and doesn't restrict its usage! Furthermore, Ferdium is compatible with your existing Franz account, so you can continue right where you left off. Please find out more about Ferdium and its features on ferdium.org.


** Existing Ferdi users please note ** Ferdi is a hard-fork of Franz, and Ferdium is a hard-fork of Ferdi. The Ferdium project was started after major issues arose with the primary Ferdi project owner (unfortunately, one person). Former Ferdi contributors were disrespected and left the project en masse in early 2022. During this time, the Ferdi social media accounts, GitHub organization and domains were also taken down multiple times by the owner. On June 11th, 2022, this same individual announced on Twitter: "There will be no further updates to Ferdi. Thanks to everyone for the wild ride!". Thus, Ferdium rose from the ashes of Ferdi and now seeks to fill the void left by Ferdi and reorient the project back towards its community-oriented, open-source beginnings. Please see below for information about importing your existing Ferdi account information into your new Ferdium-server.


This docker image of Ferdium-server runs on Alpine Linux and Node.js (v10.16.3).




<port>:3333 - Will map the container's port 3333 to a port on the host, default is 3333.

NODE_ENV- for specifying Node environment, production or development, default is development currently this should not be changed.

APP_URL - for specifying the URL, local or external, of the Ferdium-server, including http or https as necessary.

DB_CONNECTION - for specifying the database being used, default is sqlite.

DB_HOST - for specifying the database host, default is

DB_PORT - for specifying the database port, default is 3306

DB_USER - for specifying the database user, default is root

DB_PASSWORD - for specifying the database password, default is password

DB_DATABASE - for specifying the database name to be used, default is ferdium

DB_SSL - true only if your database is postgres and it is hosted online, on platforms like GCP, AWS, etc

MAIL_CONNECTION - for specifying the mail sender to be used, default is smtp

SMPT_HOST - for specifying the mail host to be used, default is

SMTP_PORT - for specifying the mail port to be used, default is 2525

MAIL_SSL - for specifying SMTP mail security, default is false

MAIL_USERNAME - or specifying your mail username to be used, default is username

MAIL_PASSWORD - for specifying your mail password to be used, default is password

MAIL_SENDER - for specifying the mail sender address to be used, default is [email protected]

IS_CREATION_ENABLED - for specifying whether to enable the creation of custom recipes, default is true

IS_DASHBOARD_ENABLED - for specifying whether to enable the Ferdium-server dashboard, default is true

IS_REGISTRATION_ENABLED - for specifying whether to allow user registration, default is true

CONNECT_WITH_FRANZ - for specifying whether to enable connections to the Franz server, default is true

DATA_DIR=/data - for specifying the SQLite database folder, default is /data

<path to data on host>:/data - this will store Ferdium-server's data (its database, among other things) on the docker host for persistence.

<path to recipes on host>:/app/recipes - this will store Ferdium-server's recipes on the docker host for persistence


By enabling the `CONNECT_WITH_FRANZ` option, Ferdium-server can:
    - Show the full Franz recipe library instead of only custom recipes
    - Import Franz accounts
NGINX Config Block
To access Ferdium-server from outside your home network on a subdomain use this server block:

# Ferdium-server
server {
  listen 443 ssl http2;
  server_name ferdium.my.website;

  # all ssl related config moved to ssl.conf
  include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;

  location / {
    proxy_pass http://<Ferdium-IP>:3333;
    proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header  Host  $host;
    proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-Proto  $scheme;


Importing your Franz account

Ferdium-server allows you to import your full Franz account, including all its settings.

To import your Franz account, open `http://[YOUR FERDIUM-SERVER]/import` in your browser and login using your Franz account details. Ferdium-server will create a new user with the same credentials and copy your Franz settings, services, and workspaces.


Migrating from an existing Ferdi-server:

If you are already running Ferdi-server, you can migrate your account information by going to `http://[YOUR-FERDI-SERVER]/user/transfer' and exporting your account information. Then, once you set up your new Ferdium-server container, enable registration and register a new account on your Ferdium-server, via the Ferdium app, using the same username and password as your previous account. Then you can either visit `http://[YOUR-FERDIUM-SERVER]/user/transfer' and choose the option to import your previous user account information, or you can go to "Settings > Advanced > Ferdium Profile > Import / Export" from within the Ferdium app and import your account data.


For more information, please check out the Docker README.md on Github: https://github.com/ferdium/ferdium-server/blob/main/docker/README.md


If you appreciate my work, please consider buying me a coffee, cheers! 😁



Edited by xthursdayx
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Seems like a great project. Thankyou, for bringing it back to life.

Installed via docker on Unraid.

WebGUI is showing the 'Setup your client' page.

How can I create a local user (not cloud-based), rather than login via existing Franz/Ferdi account as indicated on next page 'Go to account dashboard'

I cannot seem to see any information in the documentation, and am unsuccessful in modifying the sqlite database file.



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9 hours ago, PeterW said:

How can I create a local user (not cloud-based), rather than login via existing Franz/Ferdi account as indicated on next page 'Go to account dashboard'

Sorry if that was unclear in the documentation.


So, this docker image is just for the backend server for Ferdium, aka Ferdium-server. You will need to download the Ferdium app (for the frontend interface) in order to use Ferdium and create an account. Once you have this app installed and started, you will see a screen that says "Create a free account" and "Login to your account". Under these two options, you'll see the line "You are using Ferdium Server, do you want to switch? Change here!" Click "Change here!" and enter the address for your Ferdium-server. Then, so long as you created your Ferdium-server with the option `IS_REGISTRATION_ENABLED` set to `true`, you should be able to register a new account. Once you've registered all the accounts you want to use (say for you yourself and anyone else you want to allow to use your server) I suggest re-starting your Ferdi-server container with the `IS_REGISTRATION_ENABLED` option set to `false` to prevent random people from registering on your server.

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I was unclear where this account was being created.

It reads as though you are creating a cloud-based account in order to sync with a local server.


I have completed this and it appears to be working directly with the local server.


Thankyou for clarifying this.


On 8/24/2022 at 12:19 AM, xthursdayx said:

Sorry if that was unclear in the documentation.


So, this docker image is just for the backend server for Ferdium, aka Ferdium-server. You will need to download the Ferdium app (for the frontend interface) in order to use Ferdium and create an account. Once you have this app installed and started, you will see a screen that says "Create a free account" and "Login to your account". Under these two options, you'll see the line "You are using Ferdium Server, do you want to switch? Change here!" Click "Change here!" and enter the address for your Ferdium-server. Then, so long as you created your Ferdium-server with the option `IS_REGISTRATION_ENABLED` set to `true`, you should be able to register a new account. Once you've registered all the accounts you want to use (say for you yourself and anyone else you want to allow to use your server) I suggest re-starting your Ferdi-server container with the `IS_REGISTRATION_ENABLED` option set to `false` to prevent random people from registering on your server.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't thank you enough for this.  I was going to get ferdium server setup as a docker on unraid weeks ago but was  complex without having an official unraid docker with the settings already pre-configured.  I planned to tackle this today and ran across this post.  You rock!  Now just don't ever stop maintaining it so we can get updates haha :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Quick question -- this has been working fine as in no issues but if I leave ferdi open for awhile I get "could not load services and user information - try again" in a red banner at the bottom.  Try again doesn't work, the hosted ferdium-server is not down as that is working fine according to logs.  If I clear my cache, it goes away.  Any idea how to resolve?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/29/2022 at 2:16 PM, nlz said:

Quick question -- this has been working fine as in no issues but if I leave ferdi open for awhile I get "could not load services and user information - try again" in a red banner at the bottom.  Try again doesn't work, the hosted ferdium-server is not down as that is working fine according to logs.  If I clear my cache, it goes away.  Any idea how to resolve?

Sorry for the delayed response. I'm not sure, tbh... I leave Ferdium open all day and haven't run into this problem at all. I would suspect it might be an issue with your home network, but I'm not sure. Are you running the most recent desktop version of Ferdium?

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On 10/19/2022 at 3:38 PM, xthursdayx said:

Sorry for the delayed response. I'm not sure, tbh... I leave Ferdium open all day and haven't run into this problem at all. I would suspect it might be an issue with your home network, but I'm not sure. Are you running the most recent desktop version of Ferdium?

Yep!  I am on the nightly snap builds for linux.  It's odd, I can clear the cache and it works fine.  I self host a lot of things with zero issues, such as nextcloud, dns, etc.  Maybe it's a problem with the snap client, I can try using a full install maybe.  Surprised I am the only person to run into this, what fun :)

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22 hours ago, nlz said:

Yep!  I am on the nightly snap builds for linux.  It's odd, I can clear the cache and it works fine.  I self host a lot of things with zero issues, such as nextcloud, dns, etc.  Maybe it's a problem with the snap client, I can try using a full install maybe.  Surprised I am the only person to run into this, what fun :)

Yeah, sorry I can't get more help, but it's hard to troubleshoot this without being able to reproduce the issue... You might try to post an issue on the Github repo for the desktop version of Ferdium as that is where the problem seems to be originating.

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  • 1 year later...

Can anyone help me with this error? I just installed the Docker, setup the URL, etc and when I get the web UI and press "Go to account dashboard" I get the following. 



I have migrated my Franz account to Ferdium and am actively using the app on desktop, but wanted to see about self-hosting.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/8/2023 at 12:52 PM, SNDS said:

Can anyone help me with this error? I just installed the Docker, setup the URL, etc and when I get the web UI and press "Go to account dashboard" I get the following. 



I have migrated my Franz account to Ferdium and am actively using the app on desktop, but wanted to see about self-hosting.

Just so anyone coming here knows to fix this just use NODE_ENV= production not dev, to fix this.

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