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Can't move and can't delete files from cache. Cache settings all set to yes and mover already set.

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I've read through a multitude of posts similar to this but for some reason none of them have the exact issue I'm having.  For some reason I have 5 video files stuck on my cache.  I have changed the settings to yes for all shares and have manually initialized mover multiple times.  Everything else get's moved to the array but these 5 files won't move over.  I downloaded the files and moved them over to the array (which for some reason worked just fine) but the original 5 files are still stuck on the cache.  At this point I would love to know what I'm doing wrong but would also be okay with just deleting them from the cache to free up the space?  Let me know if you have any questions.


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9 minutes ago, sgtdiddlywink said:

I downloaded the files

Do you mean you copied them over the network to another computer?


10 minutes ago, sgtdiddlywink said:

moved them over to the array

Do you mean you moved them from that other computer to a specific disk in the array? You don't have disks shared so I assume not.


Do you mean you moved them from that other computer to a cache:no user share?



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I'll try to reply to both comments above.  Originally the 5 files were only on the cache and mover would not move them at all.  They were not on the array at all as I assumed they might have already been there but I could not locate them.  I therefore, downloaded the 5 files over the network to my computer and then copied them to another folder in the array.  This of course moved them to the cache first but I manually initiated mover which moved them to the array.  However, the original 5 files are still on the cache.  Let me know if that explained it.  Any chance I can just delete them from the cache?

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Yeah. I have it moved over and also have a copy of them on my computer just in case.  So, next question is how do I delete them from the cache?  I'm a beginner with the terminal and don't know how to access the cache from it.  Any other ways to wipe it or delete those files from the GUI?


Nvm.  Figured it out.  Was trying to get to cache directory from terminal window.  Found a post directing me there and was able to rm the files.  Thanks for your help and quick responses.  I'm still curious why those files were stuck on there in the first place. 


Edited by sgtdiddlywink
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