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HELP - Unraid disables NIC during boot

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I wonder if someone can help me troubleshoot this issue.


What happens is when server starts the NIC eth0 (on MB) is working normally, judging by flashing lights on the Ethernet port. At some point during Unraid start-up the lights go off, and never come back. I tested it with another PCI NIC and the same happens, on both ports at the same time. After reboot, the port lights start normally again, until the very same point during boot so physical connections are all ok. 


This has happened during the day, no changes were made to the configuration. Server became unresponsive so I have rebooted it gracefully.


Obviously I have no access to Web interface, nor to SSH. When booting into safemode or GUI mode, sometimes GUI will show eth0 as "interface down" and sometimes it will not list it at all in interfaces. IFCONFIG lists no such interface. 


I have tried reboots, different Ethernet cables, another NIC, different switch, static and DHCP assigned IP.


Can someone help me to make sense of the logs (included) to troubleshoot?


Thank you.


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3 hours ago, Squid said:

ethtool is showing that there is no cable attached.  Try a different one and a different port on the switch.

I did that. I tried different cables and switch.

Also booted live Ubuntu, and it "sees" the port and communicates over it.

When Unraid just starts to boot the port looks like this:




A couple of seconds later (Unraid still booting) it looks like this:





3 hours ago, JorgeB said:

No link is being detect on either NIC, also eth1 is missing from network rules, delete network-rules.cfg, reboot and post new diags.

Done. New diagnostics attachedkraken-diagnostics-20220913-1824.zip

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15 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Still nothing, and the other Intel NIC is now also missing, upgrade to v6.10.3 since there were changes to the NIC rules script and post new diags, might also be a good idea to delete/rename network.cfg to use the default LAN settings.


How can I update it without it connected to network?

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19 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Still nothing, and the other Intel NIC is now also missing, upgrade to v6.10.3 since there were changes to the NIC rules script and post new diags, might also be a good idea to delete/rename network.cfg to use the default LAN settings.

Before upgrading I have deleted network.cfg just to test and VOILA, that fixed the problem, it works. 

For some reason the physical port is actually eth2, not eth0, and eth0 and eth2 are bridged together. Not sure why this is this way, but also not sure how was it initially, so I take it. It works, and that's all I need ;)

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