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Files and folders disappeared from directory, yet avalible in CLI

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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In one spesific directory all subfolders and files are gone when trying to access them from Explorer/Finder/Nextcloud, however ls-ing into the directory using the commandline I see that all the files and folders are still there, all 13 gigs. cp-ing all files and folders to another share took about 2mins, and gave the same result: I can ls to see the files/folder, however Explorer reports the folder is empty.


I first encountered the issue after updating to UnraidOS 6.11.0 today.

Not saying the update is to blame, it's just the only thing I can think of that's changed since I last accessed the folder using Explorer.


Any pointers on how to access this content from anything other than the command line again?


Diagnotics are attached:


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4 minutes ago, itimpi said:

@tTownTom  have you checked the permissions at the Linux level on the share and the files in it?  There have been a number of reports of permissions being wrong for network access and it only showing up after upgrading.


it might be worth posting your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread to see if anyone can spot something there.

Thanks for your suggestion!


The directory had rw for all users.
To test, I did a chmod -R 777 on the directory, now all the files are back 🤩
I don't reckon a 777 is a amazing solution, so I will be doing some more tests - but at least I can now access all files and folders again.


Thank you!

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Just now, Frank1940 said:

On what directory/directories?   Could you provide us with the exact command that you use?   (I am suspecting that we will be seeing a lot more of these types of issues...)

The troubled directory was in this structure:

where everything within <DIRECTORY> was not accessable.

I ran the following command:
chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/<SHARE>/<DIRECTORY>

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32 minutes ago, tTownTom said:

I ran the following command:
chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/<SHARE>/<DIRECTORY>


As a note to other folks who encounter this problem of permissions being wrong inside of a share.   Either the 'New Permissions" or "Docker Safe New Perms: tool should fix this problem as it does basically the same thing as @tTownTom's    chmod   command.  (IF you use the 'New Permissions" be sure to select only the share affected as that will shorten the time require to the process to finish.)

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  • 1 year later...

Quite the bump...  but one of my Unraid servers had my Plex that my wife used...  it's old equipment, so figured leave it well enough alone / ain't broke / etc.     Finally decided to bite the bullet, crossed my fingers, and upgraded it to 6.12.10 a little while back.   Didn't notice one of the Shares with TV shows was "not viewable" from Internet Explorer until tonight when I went to grab something out of it.


Quick google, found this thread, sighed relief... and found 'New Permissions' in the tools.


Ran it on the missing share.    No love, no fix, no help.  


Thought I'd "change" the share, to see if I could get it to re-write it (kind of like recreating a container in portainer, to manually update/re-pull an image), anyway, here's what I did (and it worked) just for the record in case there's another late updater that has a similar issue that 'New Permissions' doesn't help on.


Opened the share,  went to SMB Security Settings, left the export & names the same (i.e. yes it's exported), but changed the security from 'Public' to 'Secure' then added myself as read/write under the newly added SMB User Access.     Hit Apply to update settings, and voila, visible again in Internet Explorer.


Probably not the most proper of fixes, but quick and dirty worked, and it appears to have reset permissions to make it SMB reachable.  Hopefully the next person to google in a panic cause a directory is gone can find it helpful.


And even tho it didn't work... a most SINCERE Thank You to the awesome folks who offer advice on here, it is GREATLY appreciated time and again in helping trouble shoot my much loved Unraid box.   😀

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