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Shares using cache pool when set to No

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Running 6.11.1 but the issue has been ongoing for a while.


I have many shares set up to not use the cache pool.  I want Sonarr/radarr to immediately move the files from the downloads folder (Cache only) to the array.  Many times I see that some folders (TV/Classic TV/Movies) are being created on the cache drive and filling it up.  The only way to move the files off is to manually do it with UNBalance.  Then I use the 'rm' command to delete the folder from /mnt/cache, but it doesn't prevent the system from recreating the folder and filling up the drive again.  Do I need to change permissions somewhere to prevent Sonarr/Radarr from creating the folders over and over?  


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55 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Check the mappings for Sonarr/Raddar, if they are using /mnt/cache/share instead of /mnt/user/share data will go to cache.

This is what my setup looks like for both Radarr and Sonarr.  Would you recommend changing the downloads folder to be /mnt/cache/Downloads (not necessarily to fix this issue)?

I have various shares created based on types of TV show or movie.  Should they just be put in subfolders under the TV Share or Movie Share?




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