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how can i handle accidential deletion of files.


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Hello Fellow Unraiders.


Last week, tragedy stuck. an docker app and in all it infinite glory has deleted about 85-90 tb or 90%  of my array data. After spending weeks of correctly and painstakingly following tutorials  to translate my own setup to its guidelines. i have yet to create a backup solution as the amount of data is large among sorting through other bottle necks.


After a week of shutting everything down (the server and my my mental health) to reevaluating what ive lost and life choices. i am again interested in giving a recovery a chance before i move forward.


Upon my googling, i've read of different feed back basically saying its not possible to recover via xfs or thiss or that reason. i found this thread.


is this something that is recommended? i assume i would need addition drives. my chassis is at max hardrives as well. so i would need to remove  14 the data drives and add new drives to array.  im basically building a new server array as i replace serveral drives with empty drives in the current array., how will this effect parity? this task seems overwhelming but at the same time some of my data. i cannot get replace so i must try. which i dont even know if that would be a simple think as i over thinking and confusing one thought with another. i just so much to wrap my head around. any insight will help. thanks for reading my post.


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Below are the steps I took to recover my data

1.  Stopped doing anything that might write to the array

2. Determined which HD the deleted data had been on

3. Stopped array

4. Power off server

5. Removed the  HD determined in step 2, from the server

6. Connect the server HD to a different computer

7. Install Recovery Explorer software on this computer,  not the server

8. Run the recover software and when the scan is finished the data is recovered.

9. Do a COPY of the recovered directories and files from the software to a hard drive

10. Install the hard drive with the recovered data in the server as an Unassigned Device

11. Reinstall the server array HD

12. Power the server back on

13. Mounted the Unassigned drive

13. Transferred the recovered data from the unassigned drive to the array , in my case back to HD it had been deleted from

ok I've walked thru steps 1-7.

while doing step 8 to clarify steps 10 and 11


place the new hardrive with recovered data from step 8 and oringal array  HD back in the server,  power the server on and start the array as normal with the unassinged drive. to transfer the data to the array. as i shouldn't start the array with the drive missing. however i have no drive slot available for an unassigned drive.


On 11/2/2022 at 8:39 PM, trurl said:

Once you get files recovered you can create a new array with the data.


if i create a new array wouldn't i lose any data that was not deleted? i guess i would have to recover it again?


ive seem to have confused myself on recreating the array and moving and removing drives. i have an idea in my head that i need to keep the configuration the same. stopping and starting a drive with a removed hardrive would cause more errors.  i need to get an understanding as i can wrap this around my head for some reason. seems i am forgetting stuff i already knew or misremembering how to do things. lol

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  • 1 month later...


I was able to recover most of the files on the disks. Unfortunately, I have large amount of files that were recovered as "file123455". If the file is a video file I am able to load the file in vlc, and the name will come up from the embedded metadata. However, I have been spending the last few week manually try to match/find important files and rename them to previous FIL we some that appear when I load the video file

Does anyone know of program that can help automate the renaming these files?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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