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Stop Unraid from seeing iLO as a mount


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I'm running Unraid on my HP Proliant Gen8 Microsever.


For whatever reason Unraid is seeing iLO as a unassigned drive. Because of this, this extra 'mount' (HP_iLO_LUN_00_Media_0_000002660A01-0:0) is bringing me 1 over my drive limit for my Unraid license, preventing my array from auto starting. Each boot I have to use the Unassigned Devies (/Plus) plugin to unmount this mount before being able to start the array.


Is there any way I can stop this from happening?


Edited by Xenu
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  • 5 months later...
On 11/6/2022 at 11:32 AM, ChatNoir said:

You could bind the device to VFIO (Tools/System devices) as you would do if you wanted to pass it through a VM.

If you then reboot it should not be visible to the OS.

I Have the Same Issue but this Workarournd doesn't work. Any other Idea?

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