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Transfer license key to new USB flashdrive - is the guide missing a step?

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I attempted to transfer my license key from my very old 16GB flash drive to a new 64GB Samsung.

I followed the guide here: https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Changing_The_Flash_Device - I used the USB Creator tool and this  section "Using the Flash Creator"

All went as expected, I then powered down unRAID, removed the old flashdrive, inserted the new one, but it says "No bootable devices found"


I think I can fix this by running the make_bootable, but it doesn't mention in the steps, so do I need to do this? Or is it because I'm using a 64GB flashdrive?


I rebooted unRAID with the old flashdrive, and it's all as expected, just the same before I attempted the proceedure.


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When following the guide, there is no option to choose UEFI, it looks exactly like the screenshots in the above guide - I tried it again any way, same result.


I have also tried a 32GB flash drive, different brand, same result.


If I select "Stable" from the Select Version, I'm then get more options, and UEFI is is checked by default, I can also set static IP, hostname and whatnot, is the way I should create it?




Edited by fishface
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3 hours ago, fishface said:

When following the guide, there is no option to choose UEFI, it looks exactly like the screenshots in the above guide - I tried it again any way, same result.

I think that will be because when restoring from a local backup file the tool is assuming you want the same settings as are in the backup.

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My BIOS is legacy, the config file that is created using zip flash backup that I created, after using the USB Flash Creator has "EFI -" which I believe the "-" signifies legacy.

BIOS doesn't have Secure Boot, nor UEFI.

I want to keep my settings if possible, hence the use of the "Local Zip", using the settings below, I always get "No boot device found", I have tried a 32GB flashdrive, same issue.
So, is there another way to transfer my current license to a new flashdrive, as the below is not working for me.





Should I run the make_bootable?


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The manual method worked.


I did try another Sandisk Cruzer, like the one that was working, that also failed.


One more question, I'm building a new server, and I will use this USB flashdrive with it, I know I can in theory just plug it into the new server and it should all work, I assume I will have to assign parity drive and disk etc, but will it keep all the shares, disk configs and whatnot?


I'm about to purchase another unRAID license so I can still use the old rig, makes data migration easier as well.


Thanks for your help, much appreciated.

Edited by fishface
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