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Samba Permissions Nightmare

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I'm having a complete nightmare with samba permissions. Essentially I have a Plex folder inside of a share which I'm making available over the network using samba. Its a private share. 


I have the following based on information I found on the forums:



I attempt to add a file using `touch`:



This does get created but with the following:



Creating a folder works:


However permissions are off:


Share settings:



Is anyone able to help here? Its driving me mad.

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What are the PGID, PUID, UMASK variables set to in the Container variables on the Plex Docker?


34 minutes ago, JRascagneres said:

I have the following based on information I found on the forums:



Are these setting in Settings   >>>   SMB    >>>  SMB Extras   tab/section?



36 minutes ago, JRascagneres said:

I attempt to add a file using `touch`:




37 minutes ago, JRascagneres said:

Creating a folder works:


Where are running these command from--  Is it a Docker?

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@Frank1940 Thanks for your response. Sooo...

"New Permissions" works for existing files obviously but doesn't help when creating new ones.



Are these setting in Settings   >>>   SMB    >>>  SMB Extras   tab/section?




Where are running these command from--  Is it a Docker?

Typically the files / folders are indeed created through docker (but on another system connected through samba)



What are the PGID, PUID, UMASK variables set to in the Container variables on the Plex Docker?

PGID - 1000 --> Just the user I have on my system, again connected to unraid via samba.

PUID - 1000 --> As above


No UMASK set.

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On 12/11/2022 at 9:43 PM, JRascagneres said:

have the following based on information I found on the forums:


I would have thought this would do that.   Are you actually using SMB to write the data to the Unraid array or you using NFS or a Docker?  Both of these latter two will completely ignore the settings in the SMB configuration files. 


Here is the Link to the parameters for the smb.conf (and by extension to smb-extra.conf or any other 'include' files):




It contains information from the true Gurus on the subject of Samba which is the version of SMB used by Unraid...

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27 minutes ago, JRascagneres said:



I have SMB setup on my server 

// /mnt/storage-server-01 cifs vers=3.0,credentials=/etc/storage-server-creds,rw,uid=nobody,gid=users,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,noperm 0 0


I then have docker on the server which writes to /mnt/storage-server-01 etc.... 


I am totally confused at this point.  /mnt/storage-server-01  is actually in RAM IF it is on the Unraid server!     Please use the GUI terminal and capture the screen shot of the output of the following command:

ls -al /mnt

It should something like this:



Also post up the diagnostics file of your server.


I am also going to ping @dlandon  to see if he has some insights into what might be happening. 


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A couple comments about your setup.

  • You should use UD to mount a remote share.  UD manages everything for you - mounting/unmounting, and proper share setups.
  • You shouldn't be adding share settings to smb-extra.conf.  The settings in that file are global and share settings could overwrite your global settings.
  • Writing files in a command prompt on the mount point will not respect the samba permission settings because you are not going through samba.
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