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Anyone getting this? - Cache Disk overheated

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Every once and a while I get this error reported

Event: Unraid Cache disk temperature
Subject: Alert [TOWER] - Cache disk overheated (84 C)
Description: Samsung_SSD_980_1TB_******** (nvme0n1)
Importance: alert


Then a couple minutes later it returns to normal?

I have two nvme disks and I see this (seemingly) random on either one.  I don't think I've seen both at the same time.

I see one of these  every couple of days or so..


I find it hard to believe these are real..  Are they?  Are they doing some sort of SSD cleanup?




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Well I just, successfully updated the firmware on both drives.  Hopefully I won't see any issues with the overtemp any more.

I was able to update using the ISO image burned to a flash drive.  I got the image from here. 

It warned about possibly erasing all data but it did not do that for me.  My data was intact, thank god!


So now we'll see if get those overtemps again!



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  • 3 months later...

Update for anyone who stumbles across this. I updated both of my samsung 980's at the same time using the ISO samsung provides booted off of a flash drive. This completely fixed the overheating issue for me, I haven't gotten a single warning in a few days when usually I get a few a week.

I did run mover first just in case but didn't bother to backup my dockers and took the risk. At first my dockers were broken after rebooting, but I ran mover again, and rebooted again, and they work fine. Seems like no data was lost, but if you have docker data you're not willing to lose then definitely back it up because that first reboot with them broken was a bit scary (they wouldn't launch, and said something about "image couldn't be deleted" if I remember correctly).

All in all, fairly painless, and very easy/quick.

Edited by Seltonu
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