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How to setup Unraid share 9p Mode within a Libreelec VM


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Anybody have an experience in implementing the Unraid Share 9p Mode within Libreelec? 


There is no 9p mount script within Libreelec, like the scripts for SMB & NFS.


The problem arises when trying to mount the share within Libreelec, all the info I can find on the unraid forums talk about utilising "fstab" to mount the share but libreelec has no "fstab" function.


See here:https://forum.libreelec.tv/thread/22051-can-t-edit-fstab/


I can setup NFS but seems pointless using the network when they are on the same system.

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3 hours ago, ghost82 said:

If it doesn't support fstab the only option you have is to manually mount the share somewhere:

mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,posixacl,cache=loose MountTag /path/to/mount/point


Maybe you can create a startup script in libreelec

Hi there ghost82, its only been 24hrs....lol


I've ran your code in libreelec ssh to test 1st, but i keep getting an error


#                 LibreELEC                  #
#           https://libreelec.tv            #

LibreELEC (official): 10.95.0 (Generic.x86_64)
Wacko-Libreelec-Kodi:~ # mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,posixacl,cache=loose Multimedia /storage/test
mount: mounting Multimedia on /storage/test failed: No such file or directory


Edited by wacko37
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#                 LibreELEC                  #
#           https://libreelec.tv            #

LibreELEC (official): 10.95.0 (Generic.x86_64)
Wacko-Libreelec-Kodi:~ # mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,posixacl,cache=loose Multimedia /storage/test
mount: mounting Multimedia on /storage/test failed: No such device
Wacko-Libreelec-Kodi:~ # cd /storage/test
Wacko-Libreelec-Kodi:~/test #

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ok I changed the unraid share mode to manual and edited the mount tag to multimedia  (all lower case) but still same error


#                 LibreELEC                  #
#           https://libreelec.tv            #

LibreELEC (official): 10.95.0 (Generic.x86_64)
Wacko-Libreelec-Kodi:~ # mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,posixacl,cache=loose multimedia /storage/test
mount: mounting multimedia on /storage/test failed: No such device

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I'm not sure libreelec is capable of mounting 9p..qemu wiki says to enable some things in the kernel configuration of the guest:


and since libreelec does not support running in virtualization environments I don't think it's capable..You may ask in libreelec forum if libreelec is able to mount 9p shares, but I think its default kernel is not configured to be able to do it.


Why not using any other linux distro and install kodi on it instead of libreelec?it seems it's such limited..It's very good for multimedia streaming, I run it in a raspberry, but in a vm, it would not be my primary choice at all.

Or why not using a smb share: it's true that 9p should be able to give more performance, but there should be not such a difference..

Edited by ghost82
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I totally agree with you here, everything has been a struggle to implement on libreelec via Unraid VM. This is my 1st ever VM on any system and its been nothing but painful to say the least...... hence my rant on 1 of the other unraid threads.


I wish I have of had the foresight and knowledge I have gained over the last few days back then before I started down this route


Libreelec advertise "just enough os for kodi" which sounds perfect for a VM in my mind, but as you say it has to many limitations.


Im currently using nfs and FYI I reluctantly rearranged my audio hardware to accommodate the lack of HDMI audio.


What distro would you recommend with your expertise?

Edited by wacko37
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20 minutes ago, wacko37 said:

hence my rant on 1 of the other unraid threads

Yes I read but please take into account that unraid should be the latest to blame because virtualization is not developed by unraid, but it's based on qemu/libvirt: unraid gives you a gui, very useful for people approaching virtualization to be able to interact with qemu and libvirt. Passthrough is nothing but vfio, which is a feauture of linux kernel.

You can have the same virtualization capabilities with any other os by installing on it qemu and libvirt, with a lot more developement since you need to configure most of the time all the things manually, and it could be very tricky, especially if you want to passthrough things, and especially igpus. Everything can happen, bios bugs, host os bugs, libvirt/qemu bugs, guest os bugs, ovmf bugs..it's not like just put a check here and another check there and run a vm with gpu, audio, usb, etc..unraid tries to do this, but obviously with some limitations.

Approaching virtualization requires a lot of time, I started about 3-4 years ago and I keep learning new things even now, without taking into consideration that qemu and libvirt are updated and you need to keep up to date with the changes.


However, in your case, most of the things on the host side seem to work, igpu video is passed through, igpu audio too, which in my opinion are the most difficult things to make them work.

I would not know what distro to recommend, I would go for most popular  linux distros, arch or manjaro for example, even a windows vm can work with kodi (but I would go with linux since you are mostly sure that igpu works, unless you want to experiment windows).

Edited by ghost82
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Cheers @ghost82 you've been a legend over the last few days to say the least! 


If I've learnt anything over the last few days is just how complex VM's actually are, just so many variables it's impossible to keep track of. 


I think I'll stick with Libreelec for now, to much time spend and it does work.


Windows.....F$%k no! I have installed it twice as a vm recently and both times it corrupted itself during windows updates. It's bad enough natively....lol


thanks for all your help

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