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(SOLVED) 6.11.5 - Backups to SMB share occasionally fail due to SMB file locking

Go to solution Solved by Southweave,

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After updating Unraid from version 6.10.3 to 6.11.5 windows backups occasionally fail, which root cause seems to be that SMB locks are not properly handled.

When backing up the required disks are all spun up and transfer works properly. Data is transferred to Unraid and everything is fine until the end, there something goes wrong and the process never finishes. For example today it backed up 17GB of data but the file has suffix .tmp which will probably be deleted the day after tomorrow.

I never had the issue on 6.10.3 and if I reverted to 6.10.3 then problem didn't reoccur

If I kill the process which locks SMB lock then sometimes backup works sometimes it doesn't.

There have been times where the problem didn't occur for a week and then there have been times where the whole week backups failed.


Pictures of smbstatus, smb settings and tips & tweaks have been included.
smbstatus picture shows the locked file which shouldn't be locked anymore (the process already failed)

Also I included server diagnostics. The server was restarted this morning after which I attempted to backup once again.

I'll gladly answer any questions, this problem has been driving me nuts




  • Version 6.11.5
  • Supermicro X9DR3-F
  • Intel E5-2680 v2 (2x)
  • 40Gib DDR3 ECCS memory
  • 40Gib NIC


Windows #1

  • Windows 10
  • 10Gib NIC
  • Intel system


Windows #2

  • Windows 11
  • 10Gib NIC
  • Intel system


Backup software:

  • Acronis
  • Macrium Reflect
    • I initially used Acronis however I thought the issue was Acronis specific and migrated to Macrium Reflect. Macrium reflect has the same issue


What I've tried:

  1. Enabling & Disabling SMB Multi channel
  2. Resetting Tweaks And Tricks plugin settings
  3. Removing all custom samba configuration (which included RSS & Multi channel prior to update)
  4. Changing backup software
  5. Switching backing up to rotational, as in one Windows systems backs up a day so there isn't a possibility of a conflict
  6. Creating separate Unraid users for backing up
  7. Changing "ulimit -Hn" and "ulimit -Sn" to 80000, it used to be 40960
  8. Turn SMB share to public (not hidden)
  9. Googled the same issue over and over within last month with different wording and attempted to find same issue described. I couldn't find anything that would help me
  10. Definitely something more


Backup schedule

  • Both windows attempt to backup at 09:00, if computer is not on then it is initiated on boot
  • Windows #2 is usually always on at 09:00 so that's when it backs up
  • Windows #1 is usually not on at 09:00 and usually backup occurs later on in the day
    • Both Windows systems have issues

This issue has occurred for a while now and if my memory serves me right then it occurred the very day I upgraded to 6.11.5


Unraid now has SMB version which supports Multi Channel and with multi channel there's also a bug: https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11897

It seems like similar issue but I am not knowledgeable enough to

  1. Assert that it has the same root cause
  2. How to fix it
  3. Why does it occur to me






Edited by Southweave
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2 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Do you know the time you saw the error? Looks like nothing relevant logged on Unraid.

Sadly Macrium Reflect logs don't show the time of exception (or anything useful at all).
However the backup start time is 13.02.2023 10:43:56
I guess the backup lasted couple of minutes at best.

The temporary file is also gone by now so I can't verify last modified date time.

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I do monthly manual backups using Windows Explorer to copy the entire contents of Documents folder/directory to my Unraid server.  When I first started doing (probably ten years ago), I noticed that certain data files were failing to be copied over.   Windows Explorer provides the user with details about which files fail to copy and why.  I investigated at that time and found that these files were the data files used by my primary E-mail program.  That program opened those files when the program started and kept them open until the program was closed.  (Windows placed a 'lock' on these files and that lock was preventing the copy.  Obviously, not every program would always have open files in the Documents folder and, in that case, the copy would proceed without a problem.  But that is the luck of the draw.  But when one is looking for a cause to a problem, that bit of random-ism can lead to erroneous conclusions!)


My solution was a simple one. I now close all programs before I start the backup.  (I have also observed that not every program handles data and configuration files in the same manner.  Some store them outside of the normal folders that are considered to be a part of user documents.  Others will open, read the data and close files as soon as they have everything they need.)  


Yes, I do know that automated backup programs like Macrium and Acronis are nice and can be very convenient but sometimes doing things the hard way will provide information about why things are not working because you are working much closer to the software layer that is actually doing the work and any error messages are not being filtered by additional layers of software are designed to provide a more convenient user experience.  



Edited by Frank1940
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34 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Yep, nothing logged, suggesting the problem is not on the the Unraid side.

While I do agree that it's not Unraids fault I do believe it has something to do with my specific configuration. I just don't know what and I don't have any more ideas how to debug this mess, thus why I created this topic.

The reasons why I think it's related to my Unraid setup:

  1. The issue started occuring on 6.11.5
    1. If I revert to 6.10.3 then the problem does not reoccur (but because it's not consistent I can't be 100% sure)
  2. The issue occurs on both Windows 10 and Windows 11
  3. The issue occurs with both Acronis and Macrium Reflect

While that doesn't necessarily mean it's my Unraid setup which causes it, it sure does seem like it. But of course it's not the first time that even though everything seems to point at Unraid - it's not actually Unraid's fault.

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51 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

I do monthly manual backups using Windows Explorer to copy the entire contents of Documents folder/directory to my Unraid server.  When I first started doing (probably ten years ago), I noticed that certain data files were failing to be copied over.   Windows Explorer provides the user with details about which files fail to copy and why.  I investigated at that time and found that these files were the data files used by my primary E-mail program.  That program opened those files when the program started and kept them open until the program was closed.  (Windows placed a 'lock' on these files and that lock was preventing the copy.  Obviously, not every program would always have open files in the Documents folder and, in that case, the copy would proceed without a problem.  But that is the luck of the draw.  But when one is looking for a cause to a problem, that bit of random-ism can lead to erroneous conclusions!)


My solution was a simple one. I now close all programs before I start the backup.  (I have also observed that not every program handles data and configuration files in the same manner.  Some store them outside of the normal folders that are considered to be a part of user documents.  Others will open, read the data and close files as soon as they have everything they need.)  


Yes, I do know that automated backup programs like Macrium and Acronis are nice and can be very convenient but sometimes doing things the hard way will provide information about why things are not working because you are working much closer to the software layer that is actually doing the work and any error messages are not being filtered by additional layers of software are designed to provide a more convenient user experience.  



While it does seem logical that a local file is blocking the actual backup, I believe that's not the case.

  1. If I remember correctly then Acronis logs stated that there was an error locking SMB share file (because it was already locked by the same process)
  2. Macrium states "An unexpected network error occured"
    1. Today for the first time I also got an error "Backup aborted! - Open file failed - \\SMB_SHARE... - Error - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
      1. This probably occured because the 09:00 backup failed and left the SMB locks up
  3. I can imagine how the issue could start occurring at the same time I updated Unraid  and cause the issue, but I believe it would be a leap - and for two PC's to start having the issue.


If the consensus is that it's not my Unraids configuration problem, then I'll just try to revert back to 6.10.3 and run it for a month again. The probability that the issue occurs within a month is high if the cause is not my Unraid's configuration.

Also Acronis & Macrium don't seem to care about locked files. I mean you can literally restore your computer from the image. I don't know what black magic is going on there.

Edited by Southweave
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13 minutes ago, Southweave said:

Also Acronis & Macrium don't seem to care about locked files. I mean you can literally restore your computer from the image. I don't know what black magic is going on there.


I am aware of this advertised capability in the creation of image files and I suspect that they have written a low level subroutine that will allow them to read locked files-- essentially bypassing Windows and working at the disk level.  


Is this failure repeatable?  Couple of thoughts here--- Have you tried second run after the first one fails? Have you tried making the same backup (when a failure occurs) to a (say) a UBS drive to see if that fails?


From your description, I am assuming that you are making an image of your system.  I use Macrium to make an image of my Windows OS SSD drive every other month.  My Documents folder/directory is on a hard drive inside the Windows machine.   This Macrium image file is placed on that hard drive when it is created and later copied up to my Unraid server.  (I tried to use Windows image software to do this years but ran into permission/ownership issues when copying it to the server.  🤕 )  I have never had a problem copying the Macrium image file to Unraid.  (When I do this I am storing the images from six Windows computers-- two desktops, one laptop, and three microcomputers that are used as Home theater PC's.)  

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Is this failure repeatable?
Have you tried second run after the first one fails?

Yes, if the backup fails then you can repeat it by reattempting. I'd guess that the odds of second backup failing is ~50%.
Usually the process to reattempt:

  1. Check if SMB lock is still active (smbstatus)
    1. If yes, then kill the process (kill {PID})
  2. Restart the backup
  3. Fails? Start again from #1



Have you tried making the same backup (when a failure occurs) to a (say) a UBS drive to see if that fails?

No, but that's a good suggestion. But because the odds of second backup also failing are ~50% it would take a while to actually conclude that it works.
Because it would take a while to actually validate this I think it would be simpler for me to simply revert Unraid to previous version. However if reverting proves to be okay then I'm still not any closer to the actual solution.


EDIT: The backup has failed the whole day and I just attempted to backup to another drive on the PC itself. It was successful.



From your description, I am assuming that you are making an image of your system.

Correct, first full image backup and then differential image backups. Both types fail

I'm also going to include "testparm -v"  global output, can you please verify this against yours or just check it over?
It is entirely possible I've changed something in the bast when attempting to get 10Gb connection between Unraid and other systems


# Global parameters
        abort shutdown script =
        add group script =
        additional dns hostnames =
        add machine script =
        addport command =
        addprinter command =
        add share command =
        add user script =
        add user to group script =
        afs token lifetime = 604800
        afs username map =
        aio max threads = 100
        algorithmic rid base = 1000
        allow dcerpc auth level connect = No
        allow dns updates = secure only
        allow insecure wide links = No
        allow nt4 crypto = No
        allow trusted domains = Yes
        allow unsafe cluster upgrade = No
        apply group policies = No
        async dns timeout = 10
        async smb echo handler = No
        auth event notification = No
        auto services =
        binddns dir = /var/lib/samba/bind-dns
        bind interfaces only = No
        browse list = Yes
        cache directory = /var/cache/samba
        change notify = Yes
        change share command =
        check password script =
        cldap port = 389
        client ipc max protocol = default
        client ipc min protocol = default
        client ipc signing = default
        client lanman auth = No
        client ldap sasl wrapping = sign
        client max protocol = default
        client min protocol = SMB2_02
        client NTLMv2 auth = Yes
        client plaintext auth = No
        client protection = default
        client schannel = Yes
        client signing = default
        client smb encrypt = default
        client smb3 encryption algorithms = AES-128-GCM, AES-128-CCM, AES-256-GCM, AES-256-CCM
        client smb3 signing algorithms = AES-128-GMAC, AES-128-CMAC, HMAC-SHA256
        client use kerberos = desired
        client use spnego principal = No
        client use spnego = Yes
        cluster addresses =
        clustering = No
        config backend = file
        config file =
        create krb5 conf = Yes
        ctdbd socket =
        ctdb locktime warn threshold = 0
        ctdb timeout = 0
        cups connection timeout = 30
        cups encrypt = No
        cups server =
        dcerpc endpoint servers = epmapper, wkssvc, rpcecho, samr, netlogon, lsarpc, drsuapi, dssetup, unixinfo, browser, eventlog6, backupkey, dnsserver
        deadtime = 10080
        debug class = No
        debug encryption = No
        debug hires timestamp = Yes
        debug pid = No
        debug prefix timestamp = No
        debug syslog format = No
        winbind debug traceid = No
        debug uid = No
        dedicated keytab file =
        default service =
        defer sharing violations = Yes
        delete group script =
        deleteprinter command =
        delete share command =
        delete user from group script =
        delete user script =
        dgram port = 138
        disable netbios = Yes
        disable spoolss = Yes
        dns forwarder =
        dns port = 53
        dns proxy = Yes
        dns update command = /usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate
        dns zone scavenging = No
        dns zone transfer clients allow =
        dns zone transfer clients deny =
        domain logons = No
        domain master = Auto
        dos charset = CP850
        dsdb event notification = No
        dsdb group change notification = No
        dsdb password event notification = No
        enable asu support = No
        enable core files = Yes
        enable privileges = Yes
        encrypt passwords = Yes
        enhanced browsing = Yes
        enumports command =
        eventlog list =
        get quota command =
        getwd cache = Yes
        gpo update command = /usr/sbin/samba-gpupdate
        guest account = nobody
        host msdfs = Yes
        hostname lookups = No
        idmap backend = tdb
        idmap cache time = 604800
        idmap gid =
        idmap negative cache time = 120
        idmap uid =
        include system krb5 conf = Yes
        init logon delay = 100
        init logon delayed hosts =
        interfaces =
        iprint server =
        kdc enable fast = Yes
        keepalive = 300
        kerberos encryption types = all
        kerberos method = default
        kernel change notify = Yes
        kpasswd port = 464
        krb5 port = 88
        lanman auth = No
        large readwrite = Yes
        ldap admin dn =
        ldap connection timeout = 2
        ldap debug level = 0
        ldap debug threshold = 10
        ldap delete dn = No
        ldap deref = auto
        ldap follow referral = Auto
        ldap group suffix =
        ldap idmap suffix =
        ldap machine suffix =
        ldap max anonymous request size = 256000
        ldap max authenticated request size = 16777216
        ldap max search request size = 256000
        ldap page size = 1000
        ldap passwd sync = no
        ldap replication sleep = 1000
        ldap server require strong auth = Yes
        ldap ssl = start tls
        ldap suffix =
        ldap timeout = 15
        ldap user suffix =
        lm announce = Auto
        lm interval = 60
        load printers = No
        local master = Yes
        lock directory = /var/cache/samba
        lock spin time = 200
        log file =
        logging = 0
        log level = 1
        log nt token command =
        logon drive =
        logon home = \\%N\%U
        logon path = \\%N\%U\profile
        logon script =
        log writeable files on exit = No
        lpq cache time = 30
        lsa over netlogon = No
        machine password timeout = 604800
        mangle prefix = 1
        mangling method = hash2
        map to guest = Bad User
        max disk size = 0
        max log size = 10000
        max mux = 50
        max open files = 40960
        max smbd processes = 0
        max stat cache size = 512
        max ttl = 259200
        max wins ttl = 518400
        max xmit = 16644
        mdns name = netbios
        message command =
        min domain uid = 1000
        min receivefile size = 0
        min wins ttl = 21600
        mit kdc command =
        multicast dns register = No
        name cache timeout = 660
        name resolve order = lmhosts wins host bcast
        nbt client socket address =
        nbt port = 137
        ncalrpc dir = /var/run/samba/ncalrpc
        netbios aliases =
        netbios name = SERVER
        netbios scope =
        neutralize nt4 emulation = No
        nmbd bind explicit broadcast = Yes
        nsupdate command = /usr/bin/nsupdate -g
        nt hash store = always
        ntlm auth = ntlmv1-permitted
        nt pipe support = Yes
        ntp signd socket directory = /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd
        nt status support = Yes
        null passwords = Yes
        obey pam restrictions = No
        old password allowed period = 60
        oplock break wait time = 0
        os2 driver map =
        os level = 20
        pam password change = No
        panic action =
        passdb backend = smbpasswd
        passdb expand explicit = No
        passwd chat = *new*password* %n\n *new*password* %n\n *changed*
        passwd chat debug = No
        passwd chat timeout = 2
        passwd program =
        password hash gpg key ids =
        password hash userPassword schemes =
        password server = *
        perfcount module =
        pid directory = /var/run
        preferred master = Auto
        prefork backoff increment = 10
        prefork children = 4
        prefork maximum backoff = 120
        preload modules =
        printcap cache time = 750
        printcap name = /dev/null
        private dir = /var/lib/samba/private
        raw NTLMv2 auth = No
        read raw = Yes
        realm =
        registry shares = No
        reject md5 clients = No
        reject md5 servers = No
        remote announce =
        remote browse sync =
        rename user script =
        require strong key = Yes
        reset on zero vc = No
        restrict anonymous = 0
        root directory =
        rpc big endian = No
        rpc server dynamic port range = 49152-65535
        rpc server port = 0
        rpc start on demand helpers = Yes
        samba kcc command = /usr/sbin/samba_kcc
        security = USER
        server max protocol = SMB3
        server min protocol = SMB2
        server multi channel support = No
        server role = auto
        server schannel = Yes
        server services = s3fs, rpc, nbt, wrepl, ldap, cldap, kdc, drepl, winbindd, ntp_signd, kcc, dnsupdate, dns
        server signing = default
        server smb3 encryption algorithms = AES-128-GCM, AES-128-CCM, AES-256-GCM, AES-256-CCM
        server smb3 signing algorithms = AES-128-GMAC, AES-128-CMAC, HMAC-SHA256
        server string = Unraid
        set primary group script =
        set quota command =
        show add printer wizard = No
        shutdown script =
        smb1 unix extensions = No
        smb2 disable lock sequence checking = No
        smb2 disable oplock break retry = No
        smb2 leases = Yes
        smb2 max credits = 8192
        smb2 max read = 8388608
        smb2 max trans = 8388608
        smb2 max write = 8388608
        smbd profiling level = off
        smb passwd file = /var/lib/samba/private/smbpasswd
        smb ports = 445 139
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY
        spn update command = /usr/sbin/samba_spnupdate
        stat cache = Yes
        state directory = /var/lib/samba
        svcctl list =
        syslog = 0
        syslog only = No
        template homedir = /home/%D/%U
        template shell = /bin/false
        time server = No
        timestamp logs = Yes
        tls cafile = tls/ca.pem
        tls certfile = tls/cert.pem
        tls crlfile =
        tls dh params file =
        tls enabled = Yes
        tls keyfile = tls/key.pem
        tls priority = NORMAL:-VERS-SSL3.0
        tls verify peer = as_strict_as_possible
        unicode = Yes
        unix charset = UTF-8
        unix password sync = No
        use mmap = Yes
        username level = 0
        username map =
        username map cache time = 0
        username map script =
        usershare allow guests = No
        usershare max shares = 0
        usershare owner only = Yes
        usershare path = /var/lib/samba/usershares
        usershare prefix allow list =
        usershare prefix deny list =
        usershare template share =
        utmp = No
        utmp directory =
        winbind cache time = 300
        winbindd socket directory = /var/run/samba/winbindd
        winbind enum groups = No
        winbind enum users = No
        winbind expand groups = 0
        winbind max clients = 200
        winbind max domain connections = 1
        winbind nested groups = Yes
        winbind normalize names = No
        winbind nss info = template
        winbind offline logon = No
        winbind reconnect delay = 30
        winbind refresh tickets = No
        winbind request timeout = 60
        winbind rpc only = No
        winbind scan trusted domains = No
        winbind sealed pipes = Yes
        winbind separator = \
        winbind use default domain = No
        winbind use krb5 enterprise principals = Yes
        wins hook =
        wins proxy = No
        wins server =
        wins support = No
        workgroup = WORKGROUP
        write raw = Yes
        wtmp directory =
        fruit:nfs_aces = No
        idmap config * : range = 3000-7999
        idmap config * : backend = tdb
        access based share enum = No
        acl allow execute always = Yes
        acl check permissions = Yes
        acl flag inherited canonicalization = Yes
        acl group control = No
        acl map full control = Yes
        administrative share = No
        admin users =
        afs share = No
        aio read size = 0
        aio write behind =
        aio write size = 0
        allocation roundup size = 0
        available = Yes
        blocking locks = Yes
        block size = 1024
        browseable = Yes
        case sensitive = Auto
        check parent directory delete on close = No
        comment =
        copy =
        create mask = 0777
        csc policy = manual
        cups options =
        default case = lower
        default devmode = Yes
        delete readonly = No
        delete veto files = No
        dfree cache time = 0
        dfree command =
        directory mask = 0777
        directory name cache size = 100
        dmapi support = No
        dont descend =
        dos filemode = No
        dos filetime resolution = No
        dos filetimes = Yes
        durable handles = Yes
        ea support = Yes
        fake directory create times = No
        fake oplocks = No
        follow symlinks = Yes
        smbd force process locks = No
        force create mode = 0000
        force directory mode = 0000
        force group =
        force printername = No
        force unknown acl user = No
        force user =
        fstype = NTFS
        guest ok = No
        guest only = No
        hide dot files = Yes
        hide files =
        hide new files timeout = 0
        hide special files = No
        hide unreadable = No
        hide unwriteable files = No
        honor change notify privilege = No
        hosts allow =
        hosts deny =
        include = /etc/samba/smb-shares.conf
        inherit acls = No
        inherit owner = no
        inherit permissions = No
        invalid users = root
        kernel oplocks = No
        kernel share modes = No
        level2 oplocks = Yes
        locking = Yes
        lppause command =
        lpq command = lpq -P'%p'
        lpresume command =
        lprm command = lprm -P'%p' %j
        magic output =
        magic script =
        mangled names = illegal
        mangling char = ~
        map acl inherit = No
        map archive = No
        map hidden = No
        map readonly = yes
        map system = No
        max connections = 0
        max print jobs = 1000
        max reported print jobs = 0
        min print space = 0
        msdfs proxy =
        msdfs root = No
        msdfs shuffle referrals = No
        nt acl support = Yes
        ntvfs handler = unixuid, default
        oplocks = Yes
        path =
        posix locking = Yes
        postexec =
        preexec =
        preexec close = No
        preserve case = Yes
        printable = No
        print command = lpr -r -P'%p' %s
        printer name =
        printing = bsd
        printjob username = %U
        print notify backchannel = No
        queuepause command =
        queueresume command =
        read list =
        read only = Yes
        root postexec =
        root preexec =
        root preexec close = No
        server smb encrypt = default
        short preserve case = Yes
        smbd async dosmode = No
        smbd getinfo ask sharemode = Yes
        smbd max async dosmode = 0
        smbd max xattr size = 65536
        smbd search ask sharemode = Yes
        spotlight = No
        spotlight backend = noindex
        store dos attributes = Yes
        strict allocate = No
        strict locking = Auto
        strict rename = No
        strict sync = Yes
        sync always = No
        use client driver = No
        use sendfile = Yes
        valid users =
        veto files =
        veto oplock files =
        vfs objects =
        volume =
        volume serial number = -1
        wide links = Yes
        write list =



Edited by Southweave
Added more context
Link to comment

I also believe there was an upgrade to the version of Samba recently so that remains another variable in the equation.  One Ver 6.12 will use another even newer version of Samba (Know this because there was a posting an Samba update to fix security issues and it was stated that was a newer version was slated for Ver 6.12.)


I am attaching a copy of my output of testparm -v to this post.  I leave the cross checking to you... 


I checked in the Unraid syslog for the server (version 6.11.5) where I store my backups and which is currently using version 4.17.3 of Samba.  I am running Windows 10 PRO versions 22H2 on all my Windows computers.  I have build 19045.2486  on my primary Desktop.  Here  is the info on Macrium:



I wish you luck in resolving this.  (I have been working/playing with computers--started with a Radio Shack Color Computer) since about 1982 and there have been many times when I found that it can be quicker to find a way around a problem rather than solving it--- coward's way out, I know...  😈 )


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36 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

I also believe there was an upgrade to the version of Samba recently so that remains another variable in the equation.  One Ver 6.12 will use another even newer version of Samba (Know this because there was a posting an Samba update to fix security issues and it was stated that was a newer version was slated for Ver 6.12.)


I am attaching a copy of my output of testparm -v to this post.  I leave the cross checking to you... 


I checked in the Unraid syslog for the server (version 6.11.5) where I store my backups and which is currently using version 4.17.3 of Samba.  I am running Windows 10 PRO versions 22H2 on all my Windows computers.  I have build 19045.2486  on my primary Desktop.  Here  is the info on Macrium:



I wish you luck in resolving this.  (I have been working/playing with computers--started with a Radio Shack Color Computer) since about 1982 and there have been many times when I found that it can be quicker to find a way around a problem rather than solving it--- coward's way out, I know...  😈 )

Testparm.txt 15.62 kB · 1 download

I compared our testparm results and there are only a few differences:

  1. You seem to have syslog on
  2. Your casesensitive is Yes while mine is Auto
  3. You show dot files
  4. Your max log size is 5 000 while mine is 10 000
  5. And some naming differences

Doesn't seem anything substantial. Must be something else...


It does seem like finding a way around the problem would be quicker by now... Thank you for your help!

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  • 1 month later...
  • Solution

Follow up on this topic. I changed a lot of settings ~1 month ago and I haven't had any issues since then.

Actions I took:

  1. Deleted preclear plugin (I don't think this had any effect)
  2. Deleted Tips & Tweaks plugin (I don't think this had any effect)
  3. Deleted Nerds plugin (I don't think this had any effect, it wasn't suppose to be used anyways)
  4. Dynamix File Integrity

    1. I set to disabled: "Automatically protect new and modified files:"

  5. Allowed incremental (not only full and differential) backups with Macrium

  6. Allowed writing backups to cache drive

    1. This couldn't be done with Acrium because they file into a single large file, while Macrium creates a new file for every backup


I believe the Dynamix File Integrity changes or directing backups to cache drive fixed the issue. But because I decided to go nuclear and try everything once, then I can't be sure.

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  • Southweave changed the title to (SOLVED) 6.11.5 - Backups to SMB share occasionally fail due to SMB file locking

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