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Unraid Connect Plugin Announcements

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Hey Everyone!


We're very excited to announce **Unraid Connect**, the successor to My Servers!


If you want to skip reading, update your plugin, then view the dashboard at https://connect.myunraid.net


To update your plugin, head over to the Plugins tab and check for updates - Unraid Connect (previously My Servers) version 2023.04.25.0813 is now available!


Unraid Connect

- My Servers is now Unraid Connect - enjoy a dedicated website with an entirely new design, far more server insights, and tons of new features. Visit https://connect.myunraid.net to get started.

- Dynamic Remote access let's you enable and disable WAN access to your server whenever you need to use it from a remote location.

- UPNP support for your server dashboard

- Manage your server from within Connect - when equipped with a myunraid.net domain, you can view your server inside of Unraid Connect. The dashboard links directly to relevant pages on your server to make navigation easier.


This version resolves:

- Issue where API would repeatedly disconnect

- Issue where API would get stuck in an endless disconnection cycle and never maintain connection

- Issue where API would not reconnect until unraid-api restart was run

- Upgrade all dependencies to the latest.





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Plugin Update May 1, 2023


## 2023.05.01.1138


### This version adds:


Much faster Docker resolution on the main Connect dashboard


### This version resolves:

- Storage payload was incorrect

- Potential issues with toLowerCase

- Issues with troubleshoot in the sign in page

- New "Download Logs" button on the management access page to help troubleshoot issues with Connect

- Fix bug loading default server banner (if you are using the beach image)

- Docker events were not working before


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Plugin Update May 3, 2023

## 2023.05.03.1227

### This version resolves:

- The "Dynamic - Manual Port Forward" Remote Access option requires "Use SSL" to be set to "Strict"
- Certain popup windows would not have a "Done" button when embedded in an iframe on Connect


*Note about the Dynamic - Manual Port Forward: *

We had to make this change because even though the server will not respond to requests through the myunraid.net domain, it would still have responded on your IP address. If you were using this option and did not set useSSL to strict, please change your settings.

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  • 4 months later...

Plugin Update September 6, 2023

## 2023.09.06.1307


### This version adds:


New UPC (sign in / sign up code) allowing much more responsive logins and user inputs (no more popups!)

New endpoint on the GraphQL API to get notifications for your server.



### This version resolves:


Libvirt Errors When Running the Plugin in 6.12

### Known Issues: 

Sometimes you may have to click the sign in button and sign in twice to properly sign in, we're working on a fix but wanted to get this out for the users that are having issues with Libvirt.


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  • 4 months later...


## 2024.01.09.1413


### This version adds:

- A new OS Update process, detailed here https://unraid.net/blog/new-update-os-tool
- A new  Tools > Registration page
- Streamlined header and Connect dropdown
- Improved API stability with a brand new API client
- Exposed setting for extra origins, useful if you run behind a reverse proxy


### This version resolves:

- Issues with changing Dynamic Remote Access setting causing a settings reset
- Always bundle the new UI code to prevent an issue where your login screen could be out of date.

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Plugin Update: Jan 11, 2024


## 2024.01.11.1434

Coming Soon: After receiving some constructive feedback we've decided to change a few things with the new Update OS tool.

### This version resolves:

- Bug with allowed origins not allowing more than one origin to be recognized

- Bug with log files growing very large

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  • 4 weeks later...

Plugin Update: Feb 7, 2024


## 2024.02.07.0955


### This version adds:

We've updated the OS install process based on your feedback and added a bunch of new functionality to make updating even easier than before!


### This version resolves:

New OS Update features to allow updating from within the OS!

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  • 1 month later...

Plugin Updates (Mar 6, Mar 25, 2024



This version resolves:

- Issues with special characters in server names

- Some other miscellaneous problems with parsing and displaying server content

- update os check modal date format



This version resolves:
- Minor UI fixes
- Cleanup of unused scripts


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  • 1 month later...

Plugin Update: May 15, 2024



This version adds: 

  • Improved compatibility with Unraid 6.13
  • Enhancements to the Tools > Registration page
  • Enhancements to the OS Update routine
  • The unraid-api must be signed in and connected to Unraid Connect Cloud for flash backups to run
  • Limit individual files in flash backup to 30 MB. Larger files will no longer be tracked.
  • Ensure flash backup runs at least weekly so that "steady state" backups don't appear to be abandoned.
  • Fix a potential bug that could prevent flash backups from running


This version resolves:

  • Update link to Unraid Discord on the Connect Settings page
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everyone, we are having issues with Unraid Connect Flash Backup. If you want to prevent your system from continuously trying to backup, navigate to Settings -> Management Access -> Unraid Connect and Deactivate & Delete your backup.


To make sure you have a good backup locally, go to Main -> Boot Device -> Flash -> Flash Backup



Update - Flash backup is working again! It will likely recover on its own the next time something needs to be backed up. Or if desired, you can manually press update one time. Be patient, wait at least five minutes before pressing it again : )



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