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elibosley last won the day on July 18 2022

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Community Answers

  1. Sorry to resurrect this thread, but there is a new way to do this: https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/security/secure-webgui-ssl/#https-with-myunraidnet-certificate-and-with-no-fallback-url Just type "use_ssl no" in your console.
  2. Plugin Update: May 15, 2024 2024.05.14.1222 This version adds: Improved compatibility with Unraid 6.13 Enhancements to the Tools > Registration page Enhancements to the OS Update routine The unraid-api must be signed in and connected to Unraid Connect Cloud for flash backups to run Limit individual files in flash backup to 30 MB. Larger files will no longer be tracked. Ensure flash backup runs at least weekly so that "steady state" backups don't appear to be abandoned. Fix a potential bug that could prevent flash backups from running This version resolves: Update link to Unraid Discord on the Connect Settings page
  3. Exactly - for users that would like the "Tapatalk" experience - here is a guide I found on adding to the home screen on Android and iOS: https://www.lbbd.gov.uk/add-webpage-your-smartphonetablet-home-screen
  4. Tapatalk support has been removed at the recommendation of the IPS team. Our single sign on provider does not work with Tapatalk, and after discussions with the team over at Invision they recommended removal as it will not work for many new users. That thread goes into some more detail on Tapatalk, we also ran into similar problems. This upgraded forum version does support running as a PWA (progressive web app), so you can pin it to your phone's homescreen and it will act more like a native application. We're taking all this feedback into account and will be doing our best to adjust the theme over the next few weeks to better suit everyone's requests.
  5. Thanks for flagging this, we'll get this resolved soon.
  6. Hi all, Thanks for any and all bug reports as we work to get the new theme update refined. We also have upgraded Invision versions by quite a bit, so you should see a dramatic improvement in mobile browsing, as that has been a major focus of the IPS team recently. Site performance should also be better, and random outages much less common. All feedback is helpful at this time, we'd like to make the experience as seamless as possible. EDIT: Light mode theme should be fixed, thanks for flagging the issue @Rysz I'm currently tracking a bug preventing sign in and forcefully redirecting to account.unraid.net - This issue has been resolved also.
  7. Plugin Updates (Mar 6, Mar 25, 2024 2024.03.06.0724 This version resolves: - Issues with special characters in server names - Some other miscellaneous problems with parsing and displaying server content - update os check modal date format 2024.03.25.0626 This version resolves: - Minor UI fixes - Cleanup of unused scripts
  8. Hi, Please uninstall the Connect plugin and then reinstall from CA - it looks like your plugin is significantly out of date. So sorry for the inconvenience! Hopefully this fixes your problem.
  9. Unraid is interested in enhancing our USB creator with something shiny and new (and supported on Linux!). Are you the right person to help us with this? Tech Stack We'd like to use the Raspberry PI USB Creator as a source codebase since it already supports much of our needed features such as writing custom configs to the USB drive, writing Zip files, writing drives over 32 GB, and online downloads of the OS. What We're Looking For We’re looking for a QT developer to create an MVP of this tool, which includes downloading the OS through our own endpoint by default, downloading Unraid onto a USB drive, and modifying some config options. See the project on Github for an overview of the initial deliverable. We’ve already forked their codebase (keeping it open-source, of course!). How to Apply If you’re interested, fill out the form here: https://form.asana.com/?k=Q5d46R1fLsfe-vrpOrVrkg&d=714739274360802 TLDR: We want you to make our USB creator work on the Raspberry PI Creator codebase to speed it up and modernize it, and we want your help!
  10. Sorry, we changed plugin URLs today. We've been working with @AndrewZ to minimize this, but something may have slipped through. Don't worry about the "Blacklisted" status, it's temporary and will be lifted once he sets the new URL to be valid.
  11. Plugin Update: Feb 7, 2024 ## 2024.02.07.0955 ### This version adds: We've updated the OS install process based on your feedback and added a bunch of new functionality to make updating even easier than before! ### This version resolves: New OS Update features to allow updating from within the OS!
  12. Plugin Update: Jan 11, 2024 ## 2024.01.11.1434 Coming Soon: After receiving some constructive feedback we've decided to change a few things with the new Update OS tool. ### This version resolves: - Bug with allowed origins not allowing more than one origin to be recognized - Bug with log files growing very large
  13. Hey everyone! Issue is fixed in the most recent version. Thanks for reporting this and hopefully you enjoy this change!
  14. Hey everyone, We've found the issue and will be patching with the next release.
  15. ## 2024.01.09.1413 ### This version adds: - A new OS Update process, detailed here https://unraid.net/blog/new-update-os-tool - A new Tools > Registration page - Streamlined header and Connect dropdown - Improved API stability with a brand new API client - Exposed setting for extra origins, useful if you run behind a reverse proxy ### This version resolves: - Issues with changing Dynamic Remote Access setting causing a settings reset - Always bundle the new UI code to prevent an issue where your login screen could be out of date.
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