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Parity Disk is disable and Disk 2 Unmountable disk present - help please

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After playing around with the cables and replacing some. I didn't have too much luck. I replace the new power supply with an old power power supply and all the drives came up good. This is freaking strange. This is a new power supply out the box.


It is now Parity-Sync is started and the Parity-Sync in progress.


This is great news.

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4 minutes ago, maddox-nola said:

Is this normal it is telling me 130 - 300 days to finish.

This suggests that there are problems accessing at least one of the drives.   Posting your system’s diagnostics zip file might let us suggest which one(s).


note that the time will be unaffected by the amount of data - it is purely determined by the parity drive size as the parity processes run at the raw sector level and are unaware of the meaning of any data in the sectors.

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Could not spot anything to explain the speed in the diagnostics :(  I would expect something like ~2 hours or less per TB of the parity drive so the time is definitely excessive.


BTW:  not really important but you seem to have a lot of slots allowed for in the ‘cache’ pool even though it only contains 1 drive.  Any reason for this?

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