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6.11.5 Docker Web Ui issues

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Apologies if this in not the right forum. I am generally having issues with web UI's on docker containers, specifically at the moment with linuxserver qbittorrent and sabnzbd. In both cases the webpage gives the error " refused to connect." other docker apps web ui's work ok at present . I've tried changing the webui ports, clearing browser cache, reinstalling  etc. but all to no avail.

I've done a fair bit of googling but haven't found anything that helps.

Would really like to understand the issue and how to fix it.


Thanks in advance.


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Don't know about qbittorent, but the WebUI entry on sab is wrong.  The entry in the template (advanced view when editing) should be http://[iP]:[PORT:8085] and not directly reference the IP address or port being used.
Actually the web UI entry was originally as you say and it didn't work with that setting, editing it was one of my attempts to get it working and I forgot to change it back.

Sent from my SM-G985F using Tapatalk

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